5 Drinks To Sleep Better And Lose Weight

Although it is possible to consume them at other times of the day, if these drinks are taken at night they help to sleep better, as they promote relaxation.
5 drinks to sleep better and lose weight

Sleeping better and losing weight are not opposite notions, nor are they impossible to achieve with the same remedy, or with the same natural proposal.

The key to this secret is to find food alternatives capable of causing a sedative effect on the body, while taking care of the liver.

It should not be forgotten that this organ performs essential detox functions during the night. These are basic and essential functions that help, for example, to establish a glucose balance.

It is also responsible for carrying out certain actions that eliminate harmful substances, prevent fluid retention and synthesize enzymes and vitamins.

A liver that works well at night not only promotes good rest, but also helps you lose weight more easily.

Sleeping well, by itself, does not make you lose weight: what it does is to maintain a more balanced and healthy body;  which makes getting rid of those extra pounds a little easier.

We want to propose that, starting today, you introduce new habits into your routine before going to sleep.

If you drink these natural drinks one hour before bedtime, you will get a restorative rest by optimizing your liver functions.

We’re sure you’ll love it.

1. Grape juice to sleep better and lose weight

red grape

Natural grape juice is a wonderful health resource.

In this case, if you get used to drinking a glass of red grape juice every night, you will achieve several things:

  • The first is to detoxify the body and get a lot of antioxidants that are very good for the liver.
  • The most interesting thing about grape juice is that it is easy and quick to digest.

You won’t notice the effects as your body digests, but you’ll experience a feeling of well-being that promotes more peaceful rest.

The advantages will continue into the next morning: fighting constipation for its diuretic effect.

As a curiosity, just like grape juice, be aware that cherry juice is equally beneficial.

Cherries help synthesize melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep and wake cycles.

2. Chamomile Infusion

chamomile tea

Certainly, on more than one occasion, he had a chamomile tea to relax.

This plant with so many years of tradition in natural medicine has a compound called apigenin.

  • Apigenin is an element that, when it binds to receptors in the brain, creates a response similar to a calming medicine.
  • In addition to acting as a mild tranquilizer, chamomile tea is a well-being mediator for the digestive system : it improves food absorption, is a diuretic and takes care of the liver.
  • Finally, remember: do not drink these drinks at night in very high temperatures.

It is common to find that a very hot drink always helps you to rest better. However, be careful, the best thing is that these teas are not too hot;  it’s not good for the gut or the liver. Warm is better.

3. Kefir with honey


Namely, one of the most effective remedies for falling asleep is a glass of warm milk with honey.

Since many people do not digest lactose well, the best alternative is kefir.

  • The consumption of fermented foods rich in healthy bacteria is very beneficial for the liver : they help to make more bile from cholesterol.
  • On the other hand, it is interesting to remember that kefir improves digestion, prevents constipation and cleans the intestine.
  • Another interesting fact is its “anti-stress” effect. Kefir contains tryptophan, a fantastic amino acid that, along with magnesium, helps to promote good rest.
  • If you also add a spoon of honey to a glass of liquid kefir, you will take advantage of “L-tryptophan”, another essential amino acid to get a good rest.

4. Almond milk

Drinking almond milk with a little honey also helps you sleep better.

This simple combination provides the perfect glucose level that helps regulate orexin; a neurotransmitter charged with maintaining alertness in the body.

On the other hand, this milk  helps to regulate high cholesterol or triglyceride levels; something essential to lose weight easier.

5. Warm water with lemon

warm water with lemon

Here, we always recommend drinking warm water with lemon as soon as you get up, before breakfast.

If you prefer, starting today, you can change the habit and have a cup an hour before bedtime.

  • It will help clean the liver of toxins and impurities.
  • It will make the body more alkaline. Something wonderful for both the lymphatic and circulatory systems to fulfill their cleansing functions.
  • Lemon improves digestion. That way, you’ll sleep without the abdominal discomfort that sometimes disturbs rest.

Also, if you’ve dined on something high in saturated fat, this tea will help reduce the feeling of heaviness; as well as metabolizing everything much better.

Finally, be sure to try some of these proposals. As well as following them daily to notice their benefits little by little.

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