What Is The Best Fruit For Breakfast?

Ever wonder which fruits to include in your breakfast? There are some that stand out for their nutrient content and beneficial properties for health. Find out which ones are next.
What is the best fruit for breakfast?

If you are one of those people who already start the day without energy, it is interesting to know which is the best fruit to include in your breakfast.

This food group provides a good amount of nutrients, and although fruits are often not considered tasty, they can be included in many delicious recipes. Read on and learn more about the topic.

Fruits are a source of nutrients

Fruits are one of the food groups that bring more benefits to the body,  because thanks to the vitamins they contain, they strengthen the immune system and prevent illnesses such as colds and allergies.

Furthermore, minerals and fiber also play very important roles in our health. Because of this, its intake is recommended both at breakfast and at other times of the day. In fact, when we talk about a healthy and varied diet, fruits are among the main foods that should be included.

What is the best fruit for breakfast?

Although all fruits have a relevant nutritional value,  there are some that stand out for providing greater health benefits. We refer, above all, to those who have a considerable amount of vitamin C and antioxidants. Let’s look at some of them below:


Kiwi fruit is very rich in vitamin C. A scientific study published in 2016 showed that the varieties on the market today have up to three times more of this compound compared to citrus fruits.

In addition, they are low in calories and provide substances such as folate, potassium, fiber, vitamins E and K, among other phytochemicals. In particular, regular consumption of this fruit has positive actions on the following aspects:

  • Immune function and antioxidant defense.
  • Gastrointestinal function.
  • Airway protection.
  • Prevention of infections.
kiwi cut in half
Kiwi fruit stands out as one of the richest fruits in vitamin C. Because of that, its consumption is associated with disease prevention.

Blueberries for breakfast

The consumption of blueberries confers a number of health benefits as they contain fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. In addition, they are very low in calories. This fruit has a significant antioxidant capacity due to its concentration of flavonoids.

It also helps protect against DNA damage, a major cause of aging and cancer. Several scientific publications have suggested that, if consumed regularly, this fruit has the following benefits:

  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Prevention of urinary tract infections.
  • Prevention of brain diseases.


Banana is a notable food for its potassium content. This mineral plays a key role in muscle contraction, so its contribution to the diet reduces the risk of cramps and supports the proper functioning of muscles.

On the other hand, as detailed by a study published in the Current Hypertension Report s, potassium is involved in blood pressure and helps keep it at stable levels. In addition, this fruit also contains vitamins A, C, D and B6 (pyridoxine).

The latter is involved in the metabolism of several mood-related neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine. Therefore, including it in the diet can help to increase the feeling of well-being.


One of the beneficial characteristics of apples for health is its antioxidant activity, which is mainly due to its content of phenols and flavonoids. It also provides minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and magnesium.

The peel of this fruit also has an interesting dose of pectin. It has been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels, and to help promote normal intestinal transit.

apple for breakfast
Due to its fiber and antioxidant content, apples are listed as one of the best fruits to include for breakfast. Plus, it’s easy to integrate into multiple recipes.


Like all citrus fruits, it has a good vitamin C content, which helps to repair collagen and improve the skin’s appearance. It also contains fiber, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, which help to improve health.

In particular,  its consumption improves digestive functions, stimulates the feeling of satiety and minimizes high cholesterol levels. Furthermore, it is associated with a stronger immunity.

What is the best fruit for breakfast?

While we’ve mentioned some fruits that are healthy for breakfast, the list goes on and on. In fact, almost any fruit is good for this time of day. The important thing is to remember that it must be accompanied by other sources of nutrients, such as carbohydrates and proteins.

Combined with seeds, oilseeds, oats, vegetable milks, among other healthy foods, they are a good option to start the day with energy and take care of your health. Remember this!

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