How To Combat Fluid Retention?

Fluid retention can arise as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, so we should exercise. In addition to helping us eliminate fluids, they also improve the body’s functions.
How to fight fluid retention?

Fluid retention is one of the main factors influencing weight gain.  It can occur due to sedentary lifestyle or for other reasons, such as pregnancy, menopause, cirrhosis, heart failure, malnutrition, among other causes.

In general terms, it consists of swelling of different parts of the body, such as the ankles, arms, legs, abdomen and wrists.

In pregnancy, the problem is very common, as the woman goes through very significant hormonal and bodily changes.

Therefore, in this case, fluid retention mainly manifests itself as swelling in the ankles and feet. Although it is not very worrying, it is necessary to see a doctor if the swelling presents in an exaggerated form.

Tips to avoid fluid retention

An important step to avoid fluid retention is to reduce your intake of salt, as this substance causes the body to accumulate fluids it doesn’t need.

On the other hand, the consumption of water is vital, as it cleans the body’s impurities, helping to eliminate them with ease.

How to prevent and treat fluid retention

Diuretic food

It is essential to consume diuretic foods, as they allow us to cleanse the body and, consequently, will help to lose weight.

Extra pounds are also believed to cause inflammation from fluid retention.

  • Watermelon: It is recommended mainly for its high percentage of water.
  • Apple vinegar: serves to balance the level of potassium, as this element is often affected due to retained liquids.
  • Green tea: is an excellent diuretic and antioxidant.
  • Orange: Thanks to vitamin C, which is one of its components, orange makes the kidneys work better and speeds up the process of eliminating toxins in the body.
  • Artichoke: used in infusions to lose weight thanks to its diuretic properties.
  • Blueberry: helps prevent urinary diseases, helps eliminate toxins and is one of the best antioxidant foods.
  • Dandelion: it is one of the plants with the greatest capacity to eliminate excess water from the body.
  • Parsley: favors the elimination of body fluids, so it is recommended in infusions to prevent obesity and heart disease.
  • Onion: is recommended for people who suffer from rheumatism, kidney failure or gout.

Practice exercises

exercises prevent fluid retention

The practice of exercises must be constant; walking, running, cycling, swimming, among others. Just choose what you like the most!

Remember: fluid retention can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, so exercise will provide well-being. In addition, it will be possible to distract the mind and help with the proper functioning of the body.

Avoid foods with sodium

As we’ve already said, salt is an ally of fluid retention, so it’s necessary to take it away from the foods we eat as much as possible.

Also, we must consider that there are other things we eat daily that contain a high level of sodium, for example, sausages, preserves, alcohol and most processed foods.

In addition, low salt intake is recommended to also prevent the development of kidney stones, stomach cancer and reduced taste buds.

Consume Potassium Rich Foods

Potassium helps prevent fluid retention

This element is essential to keep the body balanced. Potassium is part of the electrolytes, which are in charge of controlling blood pressure and ensuring the elimination of fluids.

This component can be found in fruits, mainly in kiwi, melon, orange and banana. It is also present in vegetables such as artichokes, kale, beets, potatoes and avocados.

Consume foods with magnesium

Magnesium also helps to eliminate excess fluid, in addition to preventing heart problems and regulating insulin in the body.

Recommended foods

  • Bran: whether from wheat or oats; they are rich in magnesium.
  • Dried herbs: mainly coriander, mint and parsley. Remember that, in addition to offering magnesium, they can be used to give a better flavor to dishes.
  • Flaxseeds: are antioxidants, prevent heart disease and offer a good magnesium content.
  • Sunflower Seeds: Contains Magnesium and Vitamin E.
  • Milk: whether powdered, pasteurized, whole or condensed, has a high magnesium content, in addition to other vitamins such as A, D and E.


Rest is essential to prevent fluid retention. If your feet swell too much, lift your legs when you have free time and space.

If you find that the changes you’ve made to your eating habits and daily routine haven’t minimized the problem, it’s best to see a doctor to investigate the condition further.

We hope these tips are useful and that you can include these foods in your daily diet and eliminate those that, in turn, are harmful to the body.

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