Weight Loss With The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet excludes fats that are harmful to our body. It is based on maintaining certain eating habits and consuming healthy foods.
Weight loss with the Mediterranean diet

There are certainly many types of diet. Maybe too much. But experts tell us that  we should look for those that are healthier, those that, in addition to helping us lose weight, provide us with  essential nutrients. The Mediterranean diet stands out as an excellent option that you cannot miss.

The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, fiber, omega 3, whole grains, minerals, vitamins, and most importantly, there are almost no industrial fats, flours and sugars. Let’s see in detail.

Why the Mediterranean diet can help me lose weight?

Why the Mediterranean diet can help me lose weight?

First of all, we have to say that the Mediterranean diet does not respond directly to a slimming method in the strict sense. It is about maintaining  very healthy eating habits, where, thanks to its components and habits, we will regulate our weight, excluding everything that can make us fat or even make us sick. Nutritionists tell us that with it,  we can lose a kilogram per week.

By this we mean that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial not only for us but also for the whole family. In it, the basic principles of the food pyramid recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) are met.

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet consist in its excellent contribution of healthy fats, only monounsaturated fats from olive oil and fatty acids such as omega 6.

Excludes animal protein as well as red meat. It is the  diet richest in antioxidants : fruits, nuts, vegetables and legumes. It makes an excellent  fiber contribution.

Thanks to the Mediterranean diet, we can reduce our blood cholesterol, protect ourselves from cardiovascular diseases and take care of our weight thanks to this balanced supply of nutrients, which excludes fats harmful to our body.

What foods make up the Mediterranean diet?

What foods make up the Mediterranean diet?
  • Vegetables, dried fruits such as nuts, vegetables, fruits such as oranges, lemons, melons, apples, grapes etc.
  • Olive oil as the main source of fat.
  • Wine consumed in moderate amounts (one glass a day).
  • Fish such as tuna, salmon, cod etc.
  • Pasta  as the main source of carbohydrates.
  • Meat consumption comes down to chicken or turkey, as they are lean meats.

To this balanced, varied and healthy diet, there is also a beneficial lifestyle. Walking under the sun, thus absorbing the necessary vitamin D, the importance of breakfast, eating in a relaxed and peaceful way, habits that we sometimes neglect due to our obligations and that are an essential part of our health.

 Guidelines for complying with the Mediterranean diet

  • Fulfill 5 meals a day : breakfast, lunch, snack, afternoon coffee and dinner. The goal is to eat balanced amounts five times a day and never in large amounts.
  • Never skip breakfast. It is basic to get the energy needed to start the day and to balance the contribution of the whole day.
  • Do not use butter. Always replace with  olive oil.
  • Dinner will be essentially based on vegetables.
  • Do not exclude bread, it is an essential source of fiber. Choose the one with whole grains, being highly recommended the rye or oats.
  • Spices are also highly recommended : oregano, basil, parsley and, essentially, garlic.
  • Sweets are not prohibited.
  • Replace cow’s milk with vegetable milk.
  • It is also recommended to drink a glass of wine a day, as well as two liters of water.

Mediterranean Diet Examples

Mediterranean Diet Examples

Below are three sample meals. In the following days, you can make the desired combinations, knowing which foods are within the Mediterranean diet. It is important that you always eat at the same times and that fruits and vegetables are always fresh. Between hours, if you feel hungry, you can turn to dried fruits such as walnuts or pistachios. Also try to make fresh and fresh fruit juices. Don’t forget to eat in peace and walk for at least an hour a day.

Menu 1


  • Orange juice and honeyed wholemeal toast.


  • An apple


  • Lettuce salad, with half pomegranate and a touch of lemon.
  • Baked chicken breast with lemon
  • an infusion of green tea

Afternoon coffee

  • a bowl of grapes


  • Spinach scrambled with shrimp
  • hake in the oven
  • Apple juice

Menu 2


  • A bowl of oatmeal with two walnuts and a plum. 


  • a low-fat yogurt


  • Pasta salad with tomatoes, basil, black olives and olive oil
  • Zucchini puree with oregano and pepper

Afternoon coffee 

  • A bowl of apple jelly


  • Eggplants in the oven
  • A salad of lettuce and grated carrots
  • An infusion of chamomile and lemon balm

Menu 3


  • oat milk and an apple


  • A wholemeal toast with tomato.


  • Brown rice with mushrooms
  • A lettuce salad with two orange slices

Afternoon coffee

  • Peach juice


  • Artichokes boiled with olive oil and a little vinegar.
  • A spinach salad with chopped turkey and pineapple.

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