Learn How To Combat Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can also be a serious health problem or a side effect of a medication you are taking.
Know how to fight excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is quite common in many people. Despite the existence of numerous products that claim to help control this problem, few can give truly satisfactory results.

In this article, we present some guidelines and some natural remedies that can help us fight this nasty problem more effectively.

Face scrub or baby powder

Talc can help you fight excessive sweating

A face scrub can be very helpful if used on those parts where the body sweats the most and most often. This product works by opening the pores, allowing the skin to breathe more freely. As a result, sweating gradually decreases.

Baby powder is also a good solution, as it helps to absorb moisture and can be used on any part of the body, considering it is a very mild product. If you don’t have talc, replace it with cornstarch, it will give the same results.

Fruits and vegetables that help control sweating


A natural antiperspirant that can definitely help you in this endeavor is turnip. It reduces the activity of sweat glands.

To get its benefits, it is necessary to use the juice of the turnip. To do this, grate a turnip and place it in a cloth, squeeze it until all the juice is removed and apply it in the area of ​​the body that sweats more frequently.


Lemon juice can help you fight excessive sweating

Another great option is lemon juice, which should also be applied directly to the region where sweating is excessive. The acids contained in this fruit are very effective in eliminating body odor.


Salvia is another good option to combat this problem, and can be prepared in the same way as turnip. In addition, it is possible to prepare an infusion with two leaves of this herb.

Add a little boiling water, let it settle and drink it once a day. In this way, the problem can be reduced considerably.

Tips to avoid excessive sweating

Tips to avoid excessive sweating

Avoid wearing clothes made of nylon or polyester, they can increase perspiration. As far as possible, wear cotton clothing.

There are many natural and simple ways that can help us avoid excessive sweating, just put them into practice and be constant in the chosen treatment to get the best results.

If you used the products mentioned above and did not obtain the expected results, it is more convenient to seek medical advice. Excessive sweating can also be a serious health problem or a side effect of a medication you are taking.

Take the opportunity and ask your doctor to recommend a suitable deodorant or antiperspirant. They are most effective when used at night, as this prevents skin irritation.

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