6 Habits To Prevent Premature Aging Of Your Skin

Care to prevent skin aging can be put in place at any time, as it is not necessary to have wrinkles to start taking action.
6 habits to prevent premature aging of your skin

The skin’s aging process is inevitable. Although there are many methods to neutralize it, at some point in our lives we will have to accept it. However, it is possible to prevent premature aging.

Today,  many are developing signs of aging before their time. Even the younger ones, and that makes the face look older.

Although some of these signs can be masked with makeup, many women seek treatments to minimize them and stop their appearance.

What many ignore is that, in addition to the use of cosmetics and antiaging procedures, it  is necessary to improve some habits  that, in some way, influence skin health.

Furthermore, its practice from an early age is considered the most effective method against the appearance of blemishes, wrinkles and other imperfections.

For this reason, below we want to share the 6 best habits to prevent premature aging, so that you can start to adopt them as part of your daily routine.

Get to know them!

Tips to prevent premature aging

1. Use sunscreen

woman applying sunscreen

Direct exposure to the sun’s rays is one of the factors related to the appearance of premature signs of aging and serious diseases such as skin cancer.

  • The daily use of sunscreen works as a barrier against these aggressions  and, on top of that, prevents burns and excessive dryness.
  • Its use is recommended on both sunny and cloudy days.
  • If the sun is very intense,  the protection factor (FPS) should be at least 30.

2. Consume antioxidants

Foods rich in antioxidant compounds have the ability to  mitigate the negative impact of free radicals on cells,  responsible for accelerated aging.

  • Its absorption promotes the regeneration process  and  helps keep the skin soft and protected.
  • These can be found in large amounts in foods like raw fruits and vegetables. In addition, they are also in plants or cereals, among others.

3. Drink more water

drink more water

The daily consumption of water not only guarantees the proper functioning of the internal organs, but it  is essential to hydrate and oxygenate the skin.

People who don’t drink enough fluids a day tend to have signs of dehydration and, as a result, their skin tends to suffer more damage.

  • The ingestion of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day guarantees a correct hydration  of the cells and, therefore, an optimal regeneration process.
  • Water detoxifies the blood and prevents imperfections  caused by toxins.

4. Detoxify the body

Although the consumption of water facilitates the body’s detoxification process, sometimes other measures are needed to promote the functioning of the excretory organs.

Excessive accumulation of toxins deteriorates cells and, in  addition to producing aging, can cause acne and skin diseases.

  • It is important to adopt a regular cleansing plan, whether based on fruits and vegetables, or consuming detox drinks.
  • During the detox period,  saturated fats, processed foods and sugar should be avoided.

5. Avoid cigarettes

Quit smoking

In addition to nicotine,  cigarettes contain dozens of toxic compounds that damage cells,  accelerating the skin’s aging process.

  • Excessive smoking causes collagen breakdown and  reduces the body’s ability to take advantage of nutrients.
  • Smokers are at high risk for  skin conditions and common imperfections such as blemishes and pimples.

6. Use exfoliants

The regular use of exfoliating products, at least once a week, is one of the habits that are being implemented to prevent aging.

This type of treatment  helps to remove cells and impurities that are trapped on the surface of the skin. This prevents them from causing obstructions.

  • Its grainy texture deeply cleanses pores and  prevents the appearance of blackheads and acne.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that, after being assimilated, help to regenerate cells.
  • Among other things, they improve circulation  and, by promoting oxygenation,  help maintain healthy tissues.

Note:  If your skin tends to be oily, scrubs can be used up to 3 times a week. Otherwise, its application is advised only once to avoid aggression.

Still not taking these steps to prevent premature aging? If you’ve neglected yourself a little, start using them now to keep yourself young and radiant.

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