Cleanse The Liver And Gallbladder With Olive Oil And Grapefruit

According to some beliefs, the blend of olive oil and grapefruit can be beneficial to health, as long as moderation is maintained and other healthy lifestyle habits are put into practice.

The blend of olive oil and grapefruit is a mixture that, despite having an unusual flavor, can be pleasant. Especially when we have a preference for citrus fruits.

As well as the mixture of olive oil and lemon, it is considered that this can contribute to health, as it would help to complement the diet and ingest healthy fats, in particular omega 3.

We’ll talk more about this mixture below, what benefits are attributed to it, and how to easily prepare it at home.

Olive oil and grapefruit medicine

Popularly, this remedy with oil and grapefruit is believed to contribute to the cleansing of the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, there are those who consume it daily, as part of their lifestyle.

Although believed to be more beneficial as a method of prevention than as an adjunctive treatment, olive oil and grapefruit are commonly used for both purposes.

Before telling you how to prepare it at home, let’s tell you about the contributions that olive oil and grapefruit can make to health and the importance of consuming them in a healthy lifestyle to avoid liver damage and other health problems.

Olive oil and grapefruit contributions

According to specialists from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN):

  • Grapefruit is a fruit that contains vitamin C, b-carotenes, lycopene and organic acids.
    • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) acts as an antioxidant in the body and helps protect cells from free radicals. In addition, it improves iron absorption and contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Olive oil is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.
    • Vitamin E also acts as an antioxidant and helps to dilate blood vessels and prevent blood clots. In addition, cells use vitamin E to interact with each other and perform numerous important functions.

Due to their content of antioxidant substances, both foods are recommended to maintain health and contribute to the cleansing of important organs such as the liver and gallbladder.

Medicine with olive oil and grapefruit

To prepare the following remedy, it will be necessary to have fresh grapefruit and a quality oil, preferably.


  • 1 red grapefruit.
  • ΒΌ of small lemon.
  • 1 small clove of fresh garlic.
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (25 to 50 g).


  • Cut the grapefruit in half, extract the pulp and place it on a plate.
  • Separately, peel and grate a clove of garlic.
  • Cut the lemon in the same way and then place it in a blender along with the grapefruit pulp, crushed garlic and olive oil.
  • Beat ingredients on low speed until it forms a paste and set aside for an hour.
  • After that time, take a tablespoon of the mixture diluted in water.

Final grade

It should be remembered that the consumption of this remedy is not, by itself, a cure for any disease. It also does not replace the drugs prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation, always within a healthy lifestyle.

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