Fight High Blood Pressure And High Cholesterol With This Ginger And Garlic Home Remedy

Although this remedy is very effective in regulating cases of hypertension and high cholesterol, we should always support it with a balanced diet and physical activity for better results.

Hypertension and high cholesterol are two cardiovascular problems that, due to a sedentary lifestyle, increase every year. With that in mind, we want to share a recipe with ginger and garlic that, due to its concentration of nutrients, is very useful to complement your treatment.

Its appearance causes excessive strain on the heart muscle  and, in turn, affects blood circulation and arterial health.

The most worrying thing is that both diseases develop silently. Most of the time, they are diagnosed when they are already in an advanced stage of development.

As a result, the risk of problems such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack and stroke increases.

Furthermore, since  they can also affect the functioning of other systems in the body, the quality of life begins to deteriorate.

Luckily, thanks to the properties of some natural ingredients we can prepare some home remedies to fight them safely and effectively.

Ginger and Garlic Home Remedy to Control Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

It’s an old recipe that was used to lower levels of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL).

These ingredients stand out for their anti-inflammatory, depurative and vasodilating power.  After being assimilated in the body, they facilitate the control of these problems.

While it is not a miracle cure, it is a great support for people who have been diagnosed with these problems.

Ginger Benefits

Ginger to control blood pressure and cholesterol

Ginger’s main benefits in combating hypertension and hypercholesterolemia are attributed to an active substance known as gingerol.

This, which also gives it its particular spicy taste,  acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, ideal for alleviating circulatory problems.

Its detoxifying action promotes blood cleansing and, with this, reduces the accumulation of lipids in the arterial walls.

It also has a mild diuretic effect that  helps to eliminate liquids retained in the tissues,  regulating mineral salts and facilitating the control of high blood pressure.

benefits of garlic

Garlic to control blood pressure and cholesterol

Thanks to allicin, garlic has stood out since ancient times as one of the best foods to promote cardiovascular health.

This substance, which is also found in onions,  has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and vasodilatory properties… crucial for regulating blood pressure and preventing the accumulation of cholesterol.

Its detoxifying power improves the processes that filter the blood,  decreasing the accumulation of toxins and other harmful particles that travel through the bloodstream.

It has important amounts of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the heart muscle and arteries.

How to prepare this ginger and garlic home remedy?

To enhance the properties of ginger and garlic, this remedy takes advantage of the qualities of apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey from bees.

All these ingredients together form a powerful natural recipe that, consumed on a regular basis, prevents a multitude of diseases.

It’s just that, although it’s designed to improve cardiovascular health, it  also strengthens the immune system and improves lung health.


  • 1/2 cup lemon juice (125 ml);
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 ml);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of bee honey (25 g);
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 g).


  • Pour the lemon juice into a glass jar, then add the grated ginger and a crushed garlic clove.
  • Stir everything with a wooden utensil and add the bee honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • Concentrate for 24 hours in a tightly closed bottle.
  • Be sure to shake several times so that all ingredients mix well.
  • After that time, consume one tablespoon on an empty stomach and repeat the dose before each main meal.
  • Store remaining medicine in refrigerator and consume daily.
  • Note that its effects are not immediate, but you will start to feel better in a matter of days.

In order to get good results, with this treatment  you should improve your eating habits and exercise regularly.

The combination of all these factors is the most effective way to face these problems before they develop other complications.

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