9 Must-have Tips To Avoid Split Ends

Cutting your hair every three months will help remove split ends and prevent the rest of the hair from being damaged. See more about this subject!
9 essential tips to avoid split ends

Are you tired of having to cut your hair to eliminate split ends?

Chances are you’ve already tried all kinds of specific products to avoid them, such as conditioners or chemical serums. However, they keep appearing from time to time.

In this article, we’ll give you some tips to avoid them naturally and thus have long, healthy and hydrated hair.

1. Apply a vegetable oil

Forget chemical serums, which are expensive and provide little hydration while using them.

We propose that you replace them with a nourishing vegetable oil, which only needs a few drops to keep the tips healthy.

Try coconut, jojoba or argan oil!

2. Cut the split ends every three months

the split ends

It hurts to hear this because maybe you wanted to avoid cutting your ends.

However, if you cut just half an inch every three months, you won’t notice the cut and, in return, your hair will grow strong and healthy.

This way you will avoid having to cut a larger piece later. We recommend choosing full moon days, which are the most favorable for hair health.

3. Choose a natural shampoo

The shampoo is important. But those that have sulfates, despite doing a deep clean and leaving the hair wonderful on the first day, tend to dry out and damage the hair, especially at the ends.

We recommend that you choose natural, sulfate-free shampoos. Also, you should wash only your scalp. Never apply the product to the ends, as the foam will clean all the hair.

That way you’ll avoid damaging it further.

4. Apply the mask dry

Even though we want hair care products that work, we’re usually in a hurry too. Manufacturers know this. Therefore, the instructions for use often state an application time of one or two minutes at most.

However, in order for a mask to do its job, it is best to apply it dry and let it work for at least ten minutes.

You can apply it while you’re doing other things or leave it on overnight if you’re not in a hurry to shower in the morning.

5. Comb yourself with the proper comb

the split ends

Choosing a good comb is essential to avoid split ends. We are not referring to a more expensive professional comb, but to wooden combs and brushes with natural bristles.

These types of combs do not damage our hair or produce static electricity, unlike combs made of plastic or other synthetic materials.

Every night before bed, brush your hair carefully from root to tip so that the scalp’s natural oils deeply hydrate it.

6. Beware of flat irons and dryers

the split ends

Surely you already know that flat irons and dryers damage hair fibers and weaken them, making them more fragile and causing them to break easily. As a result, split ends appear.

Therefore, avoid these devices whenever possible. Also, when you buy one of them, choose ones that are less damaging to your hair, such as ceramic, infrared, etc.

7. Eat in a balanced way

Sometimes the split ends have to do with a deficit of vitamins, minerals, proteins, or fatty acids.

When nutrients are lacking, the body steals from our hair to direct them to other more important functions.

Be sure to consume the following foods on a daily basis:

  • Raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fish .

8. Drink water

Split ends are also related to lack of hydration.

Our hair also needs water, just like the rest of the body. Therefore, we suggest that you drink at least 6 glasses of water every day.

You can take two on an empty stomach, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, always between meals.

9. Massage the scalp

A good daily massage to the entire scalp, in addition to being very relaxing, will help to activate circulation and make the nutrients reach your hair better.

Do this once a day, making circles with your fingertips, or get someone to do it for you while you enjoy and benefit from the massage.

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