8 Habits That Can Cause Depression

In addition to helping us keep fit, physical exercise makes the body produce endorphins, which improve our mood.

Did you know that food, physical exercise, contact with nature, breathing or the way we direct our gaze can influence, in the long term, depressive states? Today we’ll talk about 8 habits that can cause depression.

The causes for this condition can be many, but if we try to change some small habits that influence depression, we can improve in a short time.

So, we invite you to know what habits are negatively influencing and can lead to depression, things that you may be unconsciously doing on a daily basis.

Lack of nutrients can cause depression

Even if it seems strange to you, depression is related to the nervous system, and this is nourished by the food we eat.

Concretely, we need a series of nutrients daily to balance the nervous system and, therefore, avoid depression and other disorders. The nutrients are:

  • Magnesium, which can be found in walnuts, green leafy vegetables and avocados;
  • Tryptophan, which is more easily found in cocoa;
  • The omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seeds;
  • Vitamin B12, contained in sardines, eggs and dairy products;
  • Folic acid, present in green leafy fruits and vegetables.
Lack of nutrients and vitamins can cause depression

Harmful Foods Can Cause Depression

On the other hand, there are foods that act as poison, as they rob our body of vitamins and minerals, make us addicted, alter the balance in our organs and contribute to worsen mood. These are:

  • Meat, when consumed in excess;
  • Saturated fat;
  • Aspartame (artificial sweetener);
  • preservatives and artificial colors;
  • White sugar and sweets;
  • artificial drinks;
  • Alcohol.
Some foods eaten in excess can cause depression

Lack of exercise can cause depression

Exercising is essential for life, and it also helps us produce endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

Many people believe that the practice of exercises is only necessary to lose weight, but since the beginning of human existence we practice exercises, before to survive and now for aesthetic reasons.

But, in short, the important thing is to do it and, no doubt, by the time you finish doing an exercise, you will feel a great improvement.

Looking down can cause depression

Certainly some of the readers will be surprised, but eye movements are also related to our mood.

Looking down is an attitude related to negative feelings, so we should take a test and try to always look up and not keep your eyes fixed, but try to look around where we went.

This exercise is very simple and it costs nothing to try.

Not dealing with internal conflicts can cause depression

According to some therapists, in most cases of depression it is necessary to look for the source of the problem, as there is usually an internal conflict and the problem is when the patient ignores the conflict and waits for time to hide it.

Perhaps patients with this type of problem are doing something they don’t want to do, or they have an accumulation of pent-up anger or sadness.

To treat these emotional issues it is recommended to try homeopathy and Bach flower remedies, as they have no contraindications or side effects and people of any age can use the medicine.

don’t forget nature

Psychic imbalances are increasingly common and in younger people. One of the factors that can influence this is the lack of contact with nature.

The green color is a natural balancer, and sunbathing is essential, especially when we are not feeling well.

Some people intuitively feel this need, but in fact, we all need this contact. Those who live in cities should, at least on weekends, seek out the natural surroundings to relax.

Robertson Nature Reserve
Contact with nature can prevent depression


Currently, we breathe what we need to survive, but every cell in our body needs oxygen, so if we don’t inject the necessary oxygen into the body, we are subjected to a situation of stress.

It is important to learn to breathe correctly, and for that we can perform some type of therapy (yoga, tai-chi, etc…)

Lack of contact with other people can cause depression

A person with a tendency to depression tends to isolate himself and avoid contact with other people, both known and close. Therefore, we will have to fight to recover this contact, even if initially it is costly.

A good option, for example, is to let other people give you massages, whether you are a professional or a relative.

This alternative can be more effective if we use essential oils with mood-boosting properties, such as oregano, lavender, chamomile, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lemon, sandalwood, mandarin, lemongrass, orange, neroli, petit grain, grapefruit, sage, lemon verbena, etc.

After choosing the oil you prefer, you can mix it with your moisturizing cream and use it daily.

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