8 Amazing Healing Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be a great medicine for those people with diabetes or insulin resistance, as it lowers blood glucose levels.
8 amazing healing benefits of cinnamon

Surely you know cinnamon, a condiment used in coffee and desserts. However, in addition to its use in cooking, it also offers excellent health properties. In the following article, you can learn about the healing benefits of cinnamon.

Cinnamon, a great treasure

For thousands of years, cinnamon has been used in different home remedies. Modern science has confirmed many of the benefits it has after numerous researches and studies.

This condiment is obtained from the inner bark of a tree called, found in some countries like Egypt. It is from this country that the first traces of the use of cinnamon are dated.

In the past, it was a very valuable, rare and expensive product; a gift that only kings could have access to.

The elaboration process is carried out by cutting the stems of the tree, extracting the bark and letting it dry. Then, the bark is cut into strips and rolled into sticks, or crushed to obtain powdered cinnamon.


Fortunately, cinnamon is now quite affordable and can be obtained from markets and other stores. The characteristic aroma is due to a compound in the fatty part of the spice called cinnamaldehyde, responsible for most of the flavoring properties, notable for metabolism and health.

There are two types of cinnamon:

  • Ceylon Cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon .
  • Cassia Cinnamon, which is the most common variety today.

Cinnamon Benefits

With unmistakable flavor and culinary applications, these are some scientifically proven benefits:

Cinnamon curative benefits: antioxidant

It contains antioxidant substances that protect our body from oxidative damage caused by so-called “free radicals”. Cinnamon offers excellent quality polyphenols, according to studies.

These surveys also compared the antioxidant powers of 26 spices and cinnamon was the winner, above other foods such as oregano and garlic.

Cinnamon curative benefits: anti-inflammatory action

Cinnamon can reduce swelling in different parts of the body, as well as fight infections, repair damaged tissue and improve symptoms in patients with arthritis or gout.


Cinnamon curative benefits: reduces the risk of suffering heart problems

If you have a history of cardiovascular disease in your family or if you are a patient at risk (obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure), don’t hesitate to consume more cinnamon.

This spice has the ability to reduce the risk of suffering these heart problems, which can even lead to death. In people with type II diabetes, 1 gram of cinnamon a day has excellent effects on blood sugar.

Also, cinnamon serves to reduce “bad” cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Some studies indicate that it increases the amount of “good” cholesterol and that it also reduces high blood pressure. All of this helps to have a healthier heart.

Cinnamon’s curative benefits: improves insulin sensitivity

Another benefit of cinnamon for diabetics is that it can improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin. Insulin is one of the main regulators of metabolism and energy levels in the body.

It also transports sugar throughout the bloodstream and into cells.

Patients with insulin resistance can suffer serious illnesses in addition to diabetes, but the good news is that cinnamon reduces this problem.


Cinnamon curative benefits: “anti-diabetic” power

In relation to the above, cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and is therefore recommended for diabetics.

Cinnamon has been shown to reduce the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream after eating, can interfere with digestive enzymes, reduce the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, and act on insulin-carrying cells.

It is advisable to consume cinnamon in desserts without sugar or with coffee after lunch or dinner. Tests on diabetic patients showed that the spice could reduce blood sugar levels by up to 30%. The recommended daily dose is up to 6 grams.

Cinnamon curative benefits: reduces degenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative problems are characterized by a progressive loss of brain cell function or structure. The two most common diseases are Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Two compounds found in cinnamon have the ability to inhibit the accumulation of a protein in the brain that triggers Alzheimer’s, as well as protecting neurons, improving motor function and normalizing neurotransmitter levels in Parkinson’s patients.

Cinnamon curative benefits: protects from cancer

Cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of malignant cells. The relationship between the consumption of cinnamon and the reduction of patients with this disease has been studied for many years, as well as the improvements in those who already suffer from cancer.

That’s why several researchers claim that cinnamon can be a home remedy to prevent this ailment. Cinnamon works by reducing the formation of blood vessels in tumors, which causes the death of bad cells.

In addition, by scavenge free radicals, it prevents, for example, colon cancer, which is very common today.

Cinnamon curative benefits: fights fungal and bacterial infections

cinnamon laurel

The main active component of cinnamon (cinnamaldehyde) combats some types of infections such as those in the respiratory tract by fungi, inhibits the growth of bacteria such as salmonella, prevents tooth decay and bad breath.

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