7 Tips For Cleaning Tile Floors

If we use aggressive cleaning products, we must be very careful as they can damage the material of the tile floors or change their original color.
7 tips for cleaning tile floors

Depending on the type of floor we have at home, it is necessary to learn certain techniques to keep it in perfect condition for longer. Cleaning a wooden floor, marble or a porous stone surface is not the same thing. Check out.

Tile floors tend to accumulate a lot of dirt, not only on them, but also on the grouts that join together. This type of wall is often seen in kitchens, bathrooms or terrace floors. It takes a good cleaning to keep them up to date. Therefore, we tell you how you can clean floor tiles, as well as those in the kitchen and bathroom, simply, efficiently and quickly with the following tips that we will give you below.

Tips for cleaning tile floors in the house

You can clean tile floors with a sponge

There is a belief that tiles are easily cleaned.  So, they think it’s enough to wipe them with a damp cloth, however, this is not the reality. It is necessary to use natural or chemical products to achieve a good finish.

Eliminate encrusted fat

The best way to remove grease from our tiles is to combine ammonia and water. This mixture is useful and quite strong in terms of smell, so don’t inhale for a long time. So, even if it is a suitable mixture for surfaces, try not to let it come into contact with your skin, as it is very aggressive.

  • Using a sponge and wearing protective gloves, wipe the surfaces with the product and dry the rest with a clean, dry cloth.

Lime can be difficult to remove, it builds up due to continuous use and poor cleaning. In addition, it is usually present in all those areas that have had contact with water that has large doses of lime in its composition.

  • To eliminate it, mix a glass of white vinegar in a liter of water. This mixture will help you to remove incrusted lime from the tiles, whether in the bathroom, kitchen or terrace floor.

Shine tile floors

Not only do we have to get the dirt off the tiles, we also have to try to give them the look they deserve.

  • To brighten tiles and tiles, first soak a newspaper in a mixture of ammonia and water.
  • Then vigorously rub the tiles and tiles. The texture of the newspaper makes the dirt go away. Afterwards, rinse with water so that the result is perfect.

How to remove dirt from the tile grouts

Can clean tile floors with natural products

Tile floor grouts tend to get dirty without you wanting to. The surface is porous and therefore the substances that accumulate the most are dust, moisture, grease and other substances that build up to the bottom.

So, if what you are looking for is that the tile floor grouts turn white again, we advise you to prepare a solution from apple cider vinegar.

  • First, mix half a cup of water with half a cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Then, with the help of a brush, rub the grout and let it act for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, remove with boiling water and allow to air dry.

Clean tile floors with baking soda

Baking soda is used for many aspects of home cleaning. On this occasion, it is ideal for eliminating the most complicated areas of the tiles. It can eliminate strong odors and leave them free from dirt.

  • To get it, first sprinkle some baking soda and then add some hot water. Clean the tiles and leave for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, remove it with more hot water to get a perfect cleaning.

Use bleach to clean your tiles

Bleach has disinfectant properties. And, in addition, thanks to its active component, it can easily eliminate bacteria and microorganisms from the floor.

  • The bleach, in addition, will be able to clear the grouts. However, it is necessary to be careful because if we abuse the bleach when cleaning the floor, it can change the color of the floor.
  • As with ammonia, it’s important that it doesn’t touch the skin, just as we don’t spend too much time breathing the fumes.

Chlorine clean but be careful

Chlorine can help you if you’re looking for a spotless tile floor.

Finally, these are our tips for you to properly clean your tiles. Next time be sure to put them into practice.

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