7 Things You Should Avoid Right After Meals

Most of us tend to make a few mistakes after meals that can cause problems, make digestion difficult, and interfere with nutrient absorption.
7 Things You Should Avoid Right After Meals

While it may seem that there is no relationship between eating and the consequences of certain actions, what is certain is that there are a number of mistakes that it is better not to fall into if we have just finished eating.

So, if you want to preserve your health and well-being, check out these 5 tips on things to avoid right after eating.

Habits to Avoid After Meals

1. Exercise

Exercising after meals is not recommended. It is best to make them before or well after you have eaten (wait at least an hour or two).

Exercising on a full stomach can lead to hiccups and nausea, as well as injuries and cramps.

If you don’t have time to do it at another time, it’s best to go for something more relaxed, like taking a walk.

2. Smoking

Avoid smoking after meals

Tobacco is not good by itself, but it is even worse when we are digesting.

Right now all our body systems are working, and if you smoke in that amount of time, the nicotine will be absorbed much more quickly.

What are the consequences? It will greatly increase its negative effect on the body.

In addition, tobacco can block the absorption process of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamins C and D.

Avoid smoking for at least 20 minutes after eating.

3. Watch your nap

Eating and sleeping right away can be harmful.

While it is true that this practice does not cause excess weight, as was thought at first, the truth is that it does increase acidity as well as the risk of stroke.

What is the solution? Very simple. Just follow the recommendations of experts who say that it is not recommended to sleep before at least 2 hours after lunch or dinner.

4. Take a shower

Avoid showering after meals

Taking a shower after eating is not recommended, something that also applies to swimming in the pool.

When we bathe, our body temperature increases, and usually because of this, the body needs to send more blood than usual.

All of this can affect the digestive process and end up slowing down digestion.

What is the solution? Wait at least 30 minutes to take your shower after meals, and you’ll avoid these possible setbacks and other inconveniences.

5. Drink tea

It is a type of drink that prevents the absorption of iron, so it is necessary to avoid it, especially if you suffer from anemia.

If you are iron deficient or pregnant, it is best not to drink tea until at least an hour has passed.

If you can’t go without this hot drink, you can opt for a coffee, which doesn’t have this inconvenience.

6. Eat fruit

Eating fruit after meals is not recommended.

As contradictory as it may seem, eating a portion of fruit after meals is not a good idea.

The digestion of fruit is not always as simple as you might think, on the contrary: they require different enzymes to be digested.

Also, the simple sugars they contain need time to be fully absorbed by the body.

So, the best option is to eat them on an empty stomach: this way you will benefit from all the nutrients they have, such as fiber and simple sugars.

Remember that fruit is mostly fructose. And this can be converted very quickly to glucose. However, you can avoid this if you consume it correctly.

Look for the right time so that your body can assimilate, in a really effective way, all the nutrients that the fruit provides.

7. Watch out for the tight belt

If you usually wear a belt, be careful not to wear it too tight right after meals. This simple gesture could cause totally unnecessary intestinal problems.

Keep these things in mind to always benefit your digestion and your well-being.

So, did you like this article? So, stay with us as we have more tips for your health.

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