6 Oils To Enhance Healthy Hair Growth

In order to achieve the best results for our hair, it is essential to obtain the best quality oils, and, as far as possible, opt for organic ones.

Having a long, full head of hair is a dream of many women. The problem happens when the hair doesn’t grow long enough or it becomes thin, fragile and lifeless. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about 6 oils to enhance hair growth.

There are many factors that can deteriorate your hair. Among the most common we can find:

  • the bad diet
  • the stress
  • Poor blood supply
  • The lack of oxygenation
  • Obstruction of hair pores and capillaries

If you’ve spent your savings on expensive commercial treatments and haven’t seen results, here’s good news: there’s a natural way to improve hair quality with the application of oils.

6 oils that promote hair growth

Some of these natural oils have properties that can do wonders for your hair. Next, learn about the 6 oils that can improve hair health.

Coconut oil

One of the most used oils for hair is coconut oil. Its properties have been known since ancient times, when it was used to clean, protect and nourish hair.

Its chemical composition nourishes the capillary cell membrane.

This allows coconut oil to help  prevent protein loss and replenish natural oils  that are lost through daily exposure to toxins and frequent washing.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is another treasure that brings many benefits when used on hair.

Its hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) reduces the hair follicle, and therefore  helps prevent male pattern baldness.

Furthermore, as an oil loaded with antioxidants, it promotes normal hair growth, frees the skin from free radicals and provides nutrients to the hair follicles and the scalp.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil is often used as a natural laxative. However, it is also very effective for treating hair loss.

  • This oil is rich in ricinoleic acid and omega 9 fatty acids.
  • Ricinoleic acid,  stimulates hair growth and has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties,  which protect the scalp from infections.
  • In turn, omega 9 fatty acids, thanks to their moisturizing capacity, hydrate and nourish the hair, leaving it thick, strong and shiny.

3. Lavender oil

lavender oil

Lavender oil is well known for its aroma, which serves to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia.

However, it is also a potent treatment against alopecia areata. The properties of lavender oil support hair growth when it is used regularly.

This oil is also a powerful antiseptic. Its disinfectant properties serve to treat scalp problems and to fight fungi, microbes and viruses.

5. Almond oil

Almond oil

Almond oil has a great ability to protect and moisturize hair.

Although not known for its hair-growing properties,  it protects and stimulates the growth of hair follicles so that it makes them stronger and less susceptible to breakage.

A hair massage with almond oil eliminates the accumulation of dead cells and deflates the scalp.

Also,  almond oil is very effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis.

People who are allergic to nuts should be careful when using it as it can cause some allergic skin reaction.

6. Rosemary oil

rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has excellent properties that help hair growth.

It helps to dilate blood vessels and stimulate cell division, which  activates hair follicles so that new hair can grow.

Its disinfectant properties help fight bacteria and other organisms that can damage both hair and scalp.

In addition, this oil is also said to  inhibit hair loss and the appearance of gray hair,  help eradicate dandruff and moisturize dry, flaky scalp.

How to use these oils to take advantage of all their properties?

The way to use them is:

  • Massage the scalp with the oil of your choice  for about 10 minutes.
  • After that, wash as usual.
  • For a more intensive treatment,  combine several oils  and proceed in the same way.

Remember that if you are constant, you will get great results.

Not only will you be able to make your hair grow, but you will also be able to ward off common scalp problems.

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