6 Natural Tips To Get Rid Of Flies At Home

The clove, in addition to scaring away insects, works as a natural freshener for any environment.
6 natural tips to get rid of flies at home

Getting rid of flies can be a very difficult task, as they are insects that fly very fast. They tend to be carriers of different types of diseases when, for example, they come into contact with the food we consume.

Fortunately, there are several natural tricks that can help us stop the flies that enter our homes. In this article we will share several formulas to eliminate them without having to resort to commercial poisons that are loaded with toxic substances.

Bags of water to kill flies

Clear water bags are a good help to naturally repel flies in our home. Just put water in clear plastic bags and tie a knot to close them.

Now all that remains is to hang them outside the house, near windows and doors.

This natural trick is very good, as the reflection of water in the transparent bags confuses insects, especially flies. This visual perception is what will repel the flies.

Vinegar trap to catch flies

Apple cider vinegar keeps flies away

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which when it comes into contact with insects, makes it difficult for them to move and makes it easier to reach them.

We will combine it with other ingredients to make the goal of killing flies even more effective.

You will need

  • Water
  • A bottle
  • transparent adhesive tape
  • 4 spoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 spoon of liquid soap
  • Scissors

How to make?

  • Cut off the mouth of the bottle.
  • Insert the mouth you just cut into it, like a funnel.
  • Stick it with clear tape and fill the container with water to the fifth part.
  • Pour in the liquid soap and vinegar. Stir very well.
  • Place the trap where flies usually appear. They will fall down attracted by the vinegar, but they won’t be able to get out.


Some aromatic herbs have properties that help to repel these uncomfortable visitors that disturb the daily life.

The function of these herbs is to scare away flies and insects from the house, so they are ideal as a method of prevention.

You can make various branches with aromatic plants such as mint, thyme, rosemary, among others. When they are ready, place them near doors and windows.


Carnation to kill flies

Although cloves don’t kill flies, they don’t seem to like their scent, so it chases them away.

In this case, we can put about 20 to 30 carnations on an apple, or other surface, and place it in a key location to chase away the flies.

This trick, in addition to helping to ward off flies, is also ideal for flavoring your home environments.

Honey with cornmeal

This is another effective method to naturally ward off flies and thus prevent them from getting too close to our food.

How to make?

  • Mix honey with cornmeal.
  • Place a container with a small amount of the mixture in various corners of the house. They will be attracted to the sweet aroma, but they will get stuck.

Clean your house very well

When you have finished cleaning your home, dampen a cloth with vinegar and wipe the areas where flies tend to appear. For example, you can pass it on window frames, doors, and so on.

The odor of vinegar will repel flies and help keep everything clean. You can also spray vinegar in a spray bottle and spray this product in various areas of your home.

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