6 Habits That Damage Your Lung Health

Oxygen is the fuel for your lungs. Having good lung health will help you breathe well and stay healthy.
6 habits that damage your lung health

The lungs give life to your body, but it is necessary to take care of them, avoiding certain habits that damage lung health. Breathe and bring vitality to your body,  don’t let bad habits affect your well-being.

The lung is an organ with an extensive and vulnerable surface. Its function is to capture oxygen from the environment to live and help expel harmful gases from the body.

woman with difficulty breathing

What habits damage lung health?

When we talk about lung health, we are referring to the prevention and management of lung diseases. Lung health seeks to understand the relationship between the individual and the environment that surrounds them.

Among the different lung diseases you can find asthma, bronchitis or any inflammation in the lungs or airways. However, these diseases do not arise spontaneously, they are often linked to bad habits we practice every day.

Here you will find out about 6 habits that damage your lung health. Avoid these harmful routines and you will see how your lungs will be strengthened  and you will have a healthy life. Breathe and fill your body with vitality!

Good lung health allows you to breathe well

1. Lack of sports activity

Exercising helps your lungs carry more oxygen. In this way, they provide energy, as well as eliminating a greater concentration of carbon dioxide from the body. If you don’t play sports and lead a sedentary life, your lung health will be affected.

Sport fills you with energy and clears your lungs, in  addition to stimulating the nervous system. It is possible to do the sport you prefer, but don’t stay at home doing nothing. Activate your body!

Generally, lack of physical activity is a cause for physical and mental fatigue. Sedentary lifestyle is not healthy. So, let go of the routine and practice sports to improve your lung health.

2. Do not practice breathing exercises

In everyday life, we tend to forget how to breathe properly and that is why we sometimes feel more tired. Breathing is vital for the body, let go of thoughts and  take a few minutes a day to calmly breathe in and out.

In this way, you will allow oxygen to enter your lungs and airways. Don’t let rush and stress consume you. In fact, breathing exercises will not only help with lung health, but will also bring calm to the task at hand.

3. Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit and is  one of the causative agents of lung disease. In fact, cigarettes or tobacco contain nicotine and this affects the proper functioning of the lungs. Constant smoking can be a risk factor for the onset of lung cancer or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), which causes the air flow to become obstructed and there is difficulty breathing normally.

Quitting smoking is ideal for lung health. You will be able to breathe better and improve your quality of life. The habit of smoking becomes an addiction and the person becomes addicted to nicotine. 

Quitting smoking contributes to lung health

4. Not cleaning the house and workspace

Cleaning the home and workplace is essential  to prevent the onset of lung diseases. The habit of having everything disorganized and not cleaning is bad for the lungs in the long run.

Accumulated dust particles penetrate the airways and do not allow the free circulation of oxygen. Keep your space clean, cleaning is a positive habit because it helps you to be more organized and hygienic.

5. Protect yourself from the weather

Exposure to rain or low temperatures is a risk factor for the appearance of flu or other viruses. First of all, if you’re going out and see that the weather is cloudy or cold, remember to keep warm.

As you might expect, a poorly cured flu or allergies caused by weather changes will affect your lung health. To avoid them, get warm and  consume vitamin C to strengthen the body  against viruses that are in the environment.

6. A bad diet

Even if you don’t believe it, poor diet is a bad habit that affects lung health. That’s why the body needs vitamins and minerals that will strengthen the lungs and airways.

Include fruits and vegetables in the diet that help oxygenate the body. They are foods rich in vitamins C and E. Mainly citrus, avocados and nuts.

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