6 Exercises To Tone The Back

We propose some of the best exercises to tone your back. Be excited to try them out!
6 exercises to tone your back

The goal in toning your back is to look good but also improve posture. Achieving this goal requires  following a proper exercise routine  as well as having a good deal of perseverance.

As with all physical training, the results are not immediate. It takes some time to get what you want. Therefore, we must not despair in the process.

When starting an exercise routine, it is normal for people to focus on the abdominal region and extremities. However, it is also  important to tone your back. Why? Because a strong back ensures good support and less discomfort.

Also, we will avoid back problems. According to this study by the Complutense University of Madrid, one of the most common problems is low back pain, which affects the lower part of the area.

By toning the back, we achieve good posture and this, without a doubt, improves our physical appearance and offers us well-being.

Learn to tone your back

To tone your back, you need to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and do some exercise. With regard to the latter, it is important to know how to perform them properly,  since  bad practice can cause injuries or illnesses in the muscles of this part of the body.

However, by themselves they do not work, it  is necessary to supplement them with good nutrition and proper posture. Here are some recommendations:

1. Abdominal plank

Back toning board

The abdominal plank is one of the best exercises. This movement works the upper muscles by pushing and pulling the back. The legs must be together. The abdomen should feel the tension but also not hold your breath. The back should be straight to avoid unnecessary load in this area.

In this exercise, the body is suspended by resting only on its arms and feet. The legs and back should form a perfect straight line. Throw one arm back, alternating one at a time.

You can add an average weight to each arm as you progress in resistance. Start with 20 seconds and then increase the time as you feel more comfortable.

2. Resistance bands

Resistance straps or straps are one of the elastic instruments that  are useful in almost every exercise routine. Plus, you can take them (and use them) anywhere. They offer a wider range of movements (up, down, sideways, at angles), which stimulate specific muscles.

Sit on a chair and place the center of the resistance band under your butt. Grab the other end of the strap and push it up. Bend your elbows so your hands reach behind your neck. With your palms facing up, push until the band is fully stretched. Slowly lower and  repeat as many times as possible  within 60 seconds.

Do it twice a week for a month to start getting results.

3. Push, throw and lift

gym exercises

With simple movements you can tone your back easily. Your muscles activate each time you open or close a door, lift an object, turn the wheel of your car, or take a shower.

To tone your back, you  can use barbell exercises. These include lifting dead weight in certain postures (all with a straight back) and trying to balance one’s weight. The best thing about this type of exercise is that it helps to work your glutes, quadriceps, forearms, shoulders and abs.

4. Stretching

When your back muscles are tight, you have to bend over more. It can even affect the spine. To avoid this, we must stretch the shortened muscles, chest and arms.

Try to work on your flexibility. Do stretching exercises, even if only for 10 minutes. According to this research carried out by the University of Malaga, they are also essential to prevent injuries.

Place the arm at a 90-degree angle against the door frame. Rotate your body to the side of the other arm and stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch sides. Repeat 3 times and you will notice how much better you will feel.

5. Use your back fully

Back Toning Exercises

Often, all you need to tone your back is to  use your own body weight. To sculpt and strengthen the back, we suggest doing the classic “ Superman ” movement , which uses both the upper and lower back.

To perform this exercise  you must lie on your stomach. Lift both legs and arms off the floor at the same time. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and then release.

Repeat this exercise as many times as possible within 60 seconds. Do it 3 times a week for best results.

Remember that  you should take time to relax  between exercises. In this way, you will avoid building up tension and injuring yourself.

6. Take care of your posture

Half the job of having a strong back is  maintaining correct posture. Try to take care of her both when standing and sitting.

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