6 Breakfasts To Lose Weight Healthily

Fruits and protein sources are great options to start the day. Fortunately, you can combine them in a variety of ways for delicious, healthy and nutritious breakfasts.
6 breakfasts to lose weight healthily

Breakfast to activate metabolism

Breakfast with cereal to lose weight

Eating in the morning helps speed up metabolism. Fat is burned and the process to lose weight is done naturally and quickly. So if you’re looking to lose weight, don’t skip breakfast. There are other reasons you should consider:

  • If you don’t eat your breakfast, your metabolism will work slowly to protect the only energy you have left from the day before. That way it will store and reserve fat and you will gain weight.
  • If you eat breakfast, you won’t feel anxious during the day and won’t overeat.  If you skip this meal, you will want to eat a lot and you won’t be able to control yourself. You will certainly choose less healthy foods and gain weight.
  • Finally, if you decide to go on an extended fast, it will increase your body’s insulin response and cause your body to store more fat and gain weight.

More protein for breakfast to lose weight

Basic rules for a healthy breakfast

Here we are going to talk about five basic rules you must follow. They will help you not to go astray with wrong decisions.

  • Add at least 8 grams of fiber. Breakfast should help you lose weight, not gain it. For this, you should choose foods that contain fiber, because it will allow you to feel full until it’s time for a snack or lunch. Fiber also digests slowly and you won’t feel like eating.
  • Avoid eating refined carbohydrates. You can substitute whole grains for cereals, but if you want to lose weight faster, skip them and choose the fiber the fruits provide.
  • You should have breakfast no more than an hour after waking up.
  • Add more protein and less sugar.
  • Breakfast should be potent to start the day, but don’t overdo it.
  • Finally, never miss breakfast.

6 breakfasts to lose weight

Fruits with yogurt help you lose weight

Breakfast 1

  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 1 glass of orange juice
  • 2 slices of wholegrain bread with unsweetened jam
  • A fruit: it can be kiwi, peach or strawberry

Breakfast 2

  • a scrambled egg
  • Non-fat yogurt with whole grains
  • A fruit: it can be an apple or a banana
  • 1 cup of coffee with milk
  • 3 cookies to your liking

Breakfast 3

Breakfast 4

Breakfast 5

Breakfast 6

Whole Foods

The examples above can be a guide for you to plan a healthy breakfast.  Make sure each menu contains foods rich in fiber and nutrients. You can add oats, oilseeds and green leaves like lettuce, spinach and watercress.

Allied food

  • Whole Wheat Bread: The fiber contained in this food  will give you a lot of energy and you will feel satisfied.
  • Eggs: contain high levels of protein and healthy fats which serve as an energy source.
  • Fruit: contains all the minerals and vitamins you need to start your day with energy. Also, they are made up of natural sugars that will serve as a substitute for sweets.

Be creative and always have delicious and healthy breakfasts to lose weight

There are as many options for breakfast to lose weight as there are days on the calendar. You just need creativity to keep this from becoming a complex task. The goal is to make every breakfast a pleasant experience,  as it will always mark the start of your day.

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