6 Benefits Of St. John’s Wort

Although St. John’s Wort has multiple health benefits, it is important that if you are undergoing medical treatment, consult your doctor before consuming it.
6 Benefits of St. John's Wort

The benefits of St. John’s wort are many and varied. This herb can be found in the form of an infusion, capsules or oils. Incorporating it into our diet can help us resolve or avoid some problems we may be experiencing.

It is important that, before starting to take it, you consult your doctor, especially if you are taking any special medication or if you have a health problem.

Although St. John’s Wort is a natural product, it can have side effects  if it interferes with certain medications. However, these cases have a very low percentage.

Benefits of St. John’s Wort

Next, we’ll discover 6 benefits of St. John’s wort. You’ll find that it can significantly help your health, enjoying a better quality of life and better well-being.

1. It is an antidepressant

Many professionals may recommend using this herb to treat depression. In some cases, it can help relieve stress and anxiety. However,  we must be very aware of our doctor’s recommendations.

woman facing depression

When we go through a period of depression or anxiety, it is very likely that we use some medication to help deal with the problem as best we can. As natural as a supplement of this herb is, we should follow the doses recommended by the doctor.

2. Ideal for menopause

At menopause there may also be a risk of suffering from depression.  Fortunately, St. John’s Wort can help with the symptoms it presents, such as mood swings, anxiety, hot flashes…

However, we can take it before menopause starts to reduce some of the impact of these natural reactions and to help us with premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, it is suitable for women of all ages. Also, it helps to relieve some of the pain of cramps when you’re menstruating.

3. Good for migraines

There are many people who suffer from migraines.  They are very intense headaches that sometimes occur with nausea and dizziness and can last up to 3 days. Many people need to go to the doctor because not even a medicine can help them to reduce their pain.

St. John’s wort also helps in cases where you suffer from migraines, headaches or mild headaches. However, it is a natural option for those who have much more intense pain.

4. Balances hormones

Another benefit of St. John’s wort is that it balances hormones. For example, people suffering from thyroid problems should always check their levels. Taking St. John’s wort can help you get very good results.

St. John’s wort will not only help you have a normal production of thyroid hormones, it will also reduce your symptoms : menstrual cycle disorders, cramps, extreme tiredness or apathy, among others.


5. Helps to overcome addictions

Do you have problems quitting smoking? Are you addicted to alcohol? Can’t avoid binge eating? Among the many benefits of St. John’s wort is the fact that it helps to overcome addictions.

St. John’s wort is ideal to consume during the period of withdrawal from a substance. Thus, cravings and anxiety will be more controlled, which will favor a greater will power not to fall back into addiction.

6. Treat skin problems

The last of the benefits of St. John’s wort is intended to treat skin problems. Thus, its use is very appropriate in the case of:

  • Dermatitis
  • Diaper rash
  • burns
  • Allergies

This herb stimulates blood circulation  (so it can also help us if we have circulation problems), speeding up the healing process and healing of the skin. If you suffer from eczema, atopic dermatitis, or other skin condition, this herb can help a lot.

Have you ever tried St. John’s wort? Do you suffer from any of the problems mentioned and would like to see if it works? As we mentioned, in certain cases it is better to consult the doctor first.

However, as we have seen, St. John’s wort can provide multiple benefits to our health in all aspects. If you have already tried it, we would like you to tell us about your experience.

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