5 Vegetables That We Can Replant With Simple Tricks

To get new vegetables, we should water the plants regularly, but not too much, as we would run the risk of causing the root to rot from excess water.
5 vegetables we can replant with simple tricks

The daily consumption of vegetables is one of the habits that can help us to improve both body weight and many other aspects of health.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and other varieties of essential nutrients, they  are foods that should be included in everyone’s regular diet.

However, we don’t always find them fresh on the market and, in fact, prices sometimes rise so high that we have to exclude them and look for other options.

What few people know is that, with simple tricks, we can replant many of its varieties at home,  including taking advantage of those parts that we consider disposable.

As it may seem like a complicated task, in this article we want to show you which are these vegetables that you can re-cultivate and how to do it without getting too complicated.

Find it out!

1. How to replant lettuce

we can replant

Lettuce is one of the low-calorie vegetables that provide our bodies with a significant source of essential nutrients that support metabolism, kidney and heart functions.

Using a small stem of the plant we can get another fresh lettuce,  ideal to use in our salads and juices.

What to do?

  • Take an inch of the lettuce stalk and submerge it in a container of water.
  • Once the roots appear, wait several days until there is slight leaf growth on top.
  • Move to a vase or garden and let the growing process complete.

2. How to replant celery

Celery is one of the vegetables that help us add a touch of flavor and nutrients to many of the dishes we prepare daily.

From its residues, we can grow it at home  to taste 100% fresh and organic.

What to do?

  • Cut an inch from the stem of a bunch of celery and  place in a container with the cut side up.
  • Add a little water to cover the bottom.
  • Take the container to a sunny place and water regularly until the roots form.
  • When you notice them, plant them in the ground or in a pot and wait until the whole plant forms.

3. How to replant asparagus

we can replant

Asparagus is delicious, versatile and, above all, healthy.

This thin sprout has become quite popular, not only because it represents an important source of nutrients, but also because it helps you lose weight.

Even though it may seem simple to grow them from seeds, it is also  possible to get a good harvest if we plant their mature stems. 

What to do?

  • Acquire several ripe asparagus stalks and plant them in loose soil.
  • Water carefully and regularly, as it  shouldn’t get too wet as it can rot the roots. 
  • The plant requires partial sun and the soil must be nourished with organic fertilizers.
  • You can harvest a year or two after planting.

4. How to replant basil

The properties of basil have been used since ancient times both in gastronomy and in the preparation of natural remedies.

Like celery, it  is an easy herb to grow at home  and no more than a few stalks are needed.

What to do?

  • Select stems approximately 4 inches (10 cm) and then incorporate them into a glass of water.
  • Place them in a place where they receive direct light and leave them immersed until you notice the appearance of the roots.
  • Once this change occurs, transfer them to a vase and allow them to grow sufficiently.

5. How to replant carrots

we can replant

This vegetable that we tend to include in many of our daily recipes  can be replanted with those pieces we almost always throw away.

Regeneration does not take place all the way to the top, but a large part of the carrot is obtained.

What to do?

  • Cut an inch from the top of the carrot and drive toothpicks around it so it will stand on top of a glass.
  • Add water to the cup in such a way  that it only brings moisture to the bottom edge of the vegetable piece.
  • Take it somewhere where it receives direct light and add water whenever it evaporates.
  • When you notice roots appearing, plant in a pot.

So, are you ready to try it at home? Now that you know you  can use vegetable residues in a new crop, try these simple tricks and enjoy your food longer.

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