5 Simple Home Body Shaping Exercises

When the goal is to improve body composition to achieve a slim silhouette, there is no magic formula: exercise and healthy eating are the main allies.
5 simple at-home exercises to shape the body

Exercise is essential to staying fit and healthy. However, it is also important if your goal is to achieve a better look.

Exercise routine for shaping the body

How to model the body

The exercise routine presented below is simple but very effective in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. We can do it at home and at any time, and we will hardly need additional material.

In relation to equipment, yes, it can be useful to have a mat, some weight if we want to increase the intensity (it can even be water bottles) and music that helps us maintain energy.

On the other hand, the subject of diet cannot be ignored. To display a good figure, healthy eating is essential. As a publication by the World Health Organization indicates, the idea would be to keep caloric expenditure equal to or less than calorie consumption.

However, this will depend on the characteristics and goals of each individual, since the needs of those who want to gain weight are not the same as those who want to reduce it. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist.

On the other hand, the number of repetitions, sets and intensity must be stipulated by ourselves or, better yet, by a physical activity professional. Anyway, the ideal is to increase the demand progressively to avoid excessive muscle pain or injuries.

1. Squat

woman doing squats

The squat is one of the classic body-shaping exercises. They are simple to make, do not require machines and can be carried out at any time. They are very effective in  strengthening and shaping the glutes, thighs and calves. 

  • To perform the squat, you should stand up and spread your legs about the same distance from your hips.
  • Bend your knees little by little and lower your buttocks toward the floor as much as possible without taking your feet off the floor. Always keep your back straight.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

2. Jumps

If you want to eliminate fat, in addition to toning your legs, experts recommend doing aerobic exercise. A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism details that cardiovascular work, in conjunction with a healthy protein-rich diet, helps improve body composition and reduce fat.

In addition, by training in this way, you will also increase endurance and breathing capacity, as detailed in a MedlinePlus publication. A good way to maintain such a routine is to perform different types of jumps.

  • One exercise you can do at home is jumping rope. This simple practice involves a great expenditure of energy.
  • Another option for those who suffer from joint pain  can be the trampoline. Nowadays, it is possible to get individual trampolines for exercising at home.
  • on your toes, not your heels.

3. Board

Certainly, the central part of the body shows whether the person is in shape. It is frequent and very common to accumulate fat in the abdomen , so we must not forget to work on this area.

According to an article published by Harvard Health Publishing, exercises like the plank or squat mentioned above are very good for strengthening the middle area of ​​the body. Remember that good nutrition will also be essential for shaping your body, as we explained earlier.

  • Lie on your stomach and support your weight on your forearms and on your toes.
  • Keep your body elevated, parallel to the floor, without lifting your glutes too much and contracting your abdomen.

4. Push-ups

woman doing push ups

The upper body is the allure of men and a big concern for women. To avoid sagging tissues or get a firm chest, it is advisable to practice traditional push-ups.

There are many variations of this exercise,

The starting position is like the plank exercise we discussed in the previous point, with the abdomen and glutes contracted. However, you can also lean on your elbows or hands. To increase the demand level, it is possible to do the flexion with just one of the arms and then with the other. Everything will depend on our strength and preference.

5. Elongation of the spine

to shape the body

  • Lie on your back and hug your knees.
  • Apply light pressure to the chest, as if you want to curl up even more.
  • Let your knees drop to the side, toward the floor, and look away while stretching your arm.
  • You will notice a big stretch on the opposite side of your back.  Then repeat the same procedure for the other side.

In addition to shaping the body, improve health

Both healthy eating habits and physical exercise in general are two pillars of an active and healthy life. Therefore, the benefits of the aforementioned practices are not limited only to the aesthetic plan.

In fact, in addition to these exercises, there are many others that you can take advantage of to show a well-defined body and therefore less risk of long-term illnesses. The current variety of sports is very wide. Choose your favorite and get started!

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