5 Remedies For Mouth Care

Mouth care is critical to our overall well-being as it can also affect other parts of the body if neglected.
5 Remedies for Mouth Care

Certainly, the mouth is a part of our body that requires great care, because through it we can feed and communicate. That is why it is essential to keep it in a good state of hygiene, a task for which we can use various natural remedies for mouth care that are easy to acquire.

What are the dangers that the mouth runs?

Undoubtedly, as it is the organ that receives food and is used all the time through speech, the mouth is completely exposed to any aggressive agent. The mouth can be the first indicator of a person’s health status. Likewise, it is also valued from an aesthetic point of view.

Among the different parts of the mouth that can be affected by different problems, we find:

  • Lumps of different types on the lips.
  • Teeth can also be affected, so constant medical care is needed.
  • Inflammation of the gums, or gingivitis.
  • Dry mouth, caused by a lack of saliva, is also very common.

5 Home Remedies for Mouth Care

If there is not the pertinent care in the mouth, risk conditions are created, which increase in the case of children. So, for conditions that may occur, there are several natural remedies that can serve as an effective treatment.

Below are 5 home remedies that you can easily prepare.

1. Red onion juice and vinegar for wounds and injuries

Red onion has multiple properties aimed at benefiting the body, and the mouth is one of its main places of application. When combined with vinegar you get an adequate mixture to keep the inner skin of the mouth in good condition.


  • 2 small red onions
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar (45 ml)

What you should do?

  • First, chop and place the onions in a blender. Add the vinegar and reprocess them so that both ingredients mix well.
  • Afterwards, gargle with the resulting juice, making sure that it reaches all the wounds inside the mouth.
  • Finally, try to do it at least once a day, after brushing your teeth.

2. Mixture of green clay and salt

Teeth are the other very important part of the entire oral cavity. The health status of the dental arch largely depends on the personal care we have, with regard to eating habits and cleaning.

The combination of green clay, together with the purity and efficiency of the salt, can work as the best toothpaste.

Remedies for mouth care: red onion juice


  • 2 tablespoons of green clay (30 g)
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of salt (25 g)
  • Warm water

What you should do?

Its preparation may take a little time, but it is a product that will have lasting effects.

  • First, boil some water and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • Then add the green clay, stir the mixture and add the salt.
  • Also, shake the mixture vigorously until it becomes something moderately solid, similar to the texture of toothpaste.
  • Finally, to store it, you just need to store it in an airtight glass bottle.


  • Its use will be like any toothpaste : after every meal.
  • On the other hand, to preserve the preparation, you can add a drop of vinegar to the finished product.

3. Hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash

Another major problem in the mouth is inflammation of the gums, represented by diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. To alleviate this problem it  is necessary to perform dental cleanings every 6 months, but home remedies also contribute enormously.

Hydrogen peroxide is easy to acquire and not only serves to disinfect, because when used alone or mixed with mouthwash, it helps to relieve the gums.


  • 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (15 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of mouthwash (15 ml)

What you should do?

  • First, mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and mouthwash.
  • Finally, gargle for about a minute, especially at night, before going to sleep.

4. Green tea and ginger

The world famous green tea has tannins, which have a rehydration function. In turn, ginger has gingerol as its main component, which, among other things, can regulate the salivary glands, increasing their production.

For this, green tea with ginger is one of the best alternatives to deal with dry mouth, or lack of salivation.

Remedies for mouth care: green tea and ginger


  • 2 tablespoons of green tea (30 g) or a sachet
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What you should do?

  • First, boil the water and add the green tea leaves or the sachet.
  • Once the tea is already concentrated it is advisable to add grated ginger to increase its effect.
  • Finally, consume the infusion to relieve dry mouth symptoms in a few minutes, providing hydration.

5. Tea tree infusion

This is a plant that originates in Oceania, and stands out in the natural world for its antiseptic and healing properties. That’s why we can use it to heal any wound, or small opening inside the mouth.

Its oil is its most outstanding product, being recognized for its efficiency. The goal is for you to be able to brew a tea tree infusion, but sometimes it’s easier to buy the brewed oil.


  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree leaves (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What you should do?

  • Heat the water, and when it boils, add the leaves and let it steep.


You can choose different ways to consume it:

  • There are those who freeze it and, using small ice cubes, put it on existing wounds.
  • Gargling is also an excellent way to enjoy your property.


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