5 Natural Remedies To Treat Pseudofolliculitis

Apply the following natural remedies and alleviate any discomfort caused by pseudofolliculitis in a short time.
5 Natural Remedies to Treat Pseudofolliculitis

Have you ever experienced irritation after shaving or after waxing? This rash that appears after shaving or waxing and is so painful is called pseudofolliculitis.

This irritation appears when the hairs regrow again in the growth phase and, instead of growing out, they grow inside the skin.

While not a severe medical problem, it is painful and very irritating. The next time you have this problem  avoid scratching yourself as it can make the condition worse.

How do you know that what you have is pseudofolliculitis and nothing else?

To find out if these remedies are what you need, pay attention to the following  pseudofolliculitis symptoms:

  • A rash appears on areas of the body that have recently been shaved or shaved.
  • You can see the little ones that didn’t come out. If you have dark skin, you can try running your fingers through the area to see if the hair is ingrown.

1. Malaleuca Oil

Tea tree oil is used to treat pseudofolliculitis

Malaleuca oil has several benefits for the body. In this case, it acts as a powerful antiseptic, fighting inflammation and discomfort. 

Remember that when using oils, you should dilute them a little to avoid adverse reactions.

To prepare this remedy, you only need 2 tablespoons of malaleuca oil, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 cotton ball. You just need to mix the two oils well.

Once ready, wash the area with soap and water. Soak the mixture in cotton and apply to the area affected by folliculitis.

With this remedy it is not necessary to rinse the area and you can apply it twice a day until the problem disappears. If your skin is very sensitive, apply the oil right after shaving.

This way you will avoid the appearance of pimples.

2. Cold compresses

Cold compresses are another good solution for the inconvenience caused by shaving. The immediate effect will be the reduction of inflammation, redness and itching. This remedy is  ideal for the intimate area. 

You will find that you can wear your favorite outfit without a problem in a matter of minutes without any risks. You will only need a couple of ice cubes and a towel.

To make your own compress, wrap the ice cubes in a towel and place on the area with the rash.   Apply cold compresses as many times a day as needed.

3. Witch Hazel Water

Witch hazel water is used to treat pseudofolliculitis

Witch hazel water has extraordinary properties for the skin. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and reduces redness.

Also, witch hazel is a natural antiseptic. This is very good because poorly cured pseudofolliculitis can cause infections.

While these are not serious wounds, they can get complicated by rubbing clothes or scratching to try to get rid of the itching.

For this you will  need 3 tablespoons of witch hazel and 1 cotton ball. Take the witch hazel and soak the cotton pad. Apply as many times a day as needed.

After each application, you will gradually notice relief.

4. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another great option for treating pseudofolliculitis. It has a very fast healing effect. It is  also anti-inflammatory and dries out pimples. Although it is a very effective remedy, it is not ideal for everyone.

To use this remedy, you should just dip the cotton into the vinegar and apply it to the affected area. Allow to air dry  and rinse with fresh water. Repeat the process 3 times a day until the burning sensation subsides.

5. Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is used to treat pseudofolliculitis

Another simple and quick treatment is baking soda with water. This remedy will provide immediate relief  and no adverse effects. In fact, when you apply it, you will feel quick relief and freshness.

Therefore, we recommend it for pseudofolliculitis and insect bites.

You will only need 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix these two ingredients together to form a paste and apply to the skin.

Leave on for 10 minutes. Cover with gauze or a towel to prevent dripping. Rinse with fresh water.

What should you avoid when you have pseudofolliculitis?

We know this is a very painful problem. Therefore, avoid the following actions that can aggravate the problem:

  • Avoid shaving again. It is better to wait 3 days to shave where the pimples appeared. Try to avoid shaving for a while, or at least until the reaction wears off.
  • Avoid scratching or popping. This may seem like a relief at the moment, but after a few hours you will have created lesions that can become infected.
  • Avoid using used blades. It is possible that the pimples have appeared because the razor blade is not sharp. If so, we recommend that you exchange it for a new one.

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