5 Juices To Care For The Liver And Pancreas

To purify the liver and pancreas, it is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables that favor the elimination of harmful substances and help us to optimize liver functions
5 juices to care for the liver and pancreas

Taking care of the liver and pancreas is extremely essential, so we can maintain the health of these vital organs.

But for this it is essential to maintain a good diet, and in addition, never forgetting to have healthy lifestyle habits.

This sounds easy, but we must bear in mind that liver problems such as fatty liver are very common. So something as simple as increasing your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is a wonderful way to gain more health.

Today, in this article, we want to propose that you include in your daily life some of these juices, which will greatly enhance your well-being.

Celery, lemon and papaya juice for liver and pancreas

If there’s one thing our liver and pancreas will thank you for, it’s a high content of antioxidants.

Furthermore, by including diuretic and anti-inflammatory foods such as celery and papaya in this juice, we will optimize the elimination of toxins that sicken these organs.


  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 cup of papaya
  • 1 glass of water

Method of preparation:

  • First, get the lemon juice. Then wash the celery well and cut it into pieces. Do the same with the papaya, getting a cup of pieces of the fruit.
  • In a blender, add a glass of water, lemon juice, celery and papaya to obtain a smooth drink that should be taken in the morning. Enjoy!

Artichoke, lemon and aloe vera juice

This medicinal artichoke and aloe vera juice should be consumed throughout the day. It will serve to optimize liver functions and to take care of the health of the pancreas.



  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 scoops of aloe vera (30 g)
  • 2 spoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water

Method of preparation:

  • First, put the water in a pan to cook the two artichokes. After softening, remove the artichokes from the pan and set aside the cooking broth.
  • Then, taking advantage of the still hot broth, dilute the two tablespoons of the aloe vera pulp.
  • Put this broth in a jar or bottle of water, and sweeten it with honey. Lastly, just add fresh lemon juice.
  • Finally, drink the first cup on an empty stomach and the next 20 minutes before meals. You’ll see how good you feel.

Carrot, mango and orange juice

This juice is as delicious as it is healthy for taking care of the liver and pancreas. It is a drink full of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that will purify your body and strengthen these important organs.

mango juice


  • ½ sleeve
  • 1 orange juice
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water

Method of preparation:

  • First, cut half of the mango, peel off the skin and cut it into three pieces to make the juice. Then do the same with the two carrots, wash them and cut them.
  • Finally, squeeze the juice from the orange and place it in a blender with the carrots and mango. Don’t forget to add the glass of water for a lighter and easier drink.

Would you like to taste it for your next breakfast? You’ll love.

Brussels sprouts, celery and carrot juice

This juice based on Brussels sprouts and celery should be drunk at the end of the day, little by little.

Thanks to cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, we will be able to take care of the liver and pancreas.

If, in addition, we add the diuretic power of celery and the vitamins of carrots, we will get a very powerful drink.



  • 4 brussel sprouts
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 glass of water

Way of doing:

  • First, wash all vegetables well: Brussels sprouts, celery and carrots, then cut them into smaller pieces to blend in a blender.
  • Then get the juice, mix it with a glass of water. You will like it a lot.

carrot and beet juice

beet purifying juice


  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small beet
  • 1 glass of water

Method of preparation:

  • First, once again, start by washing all the ingredients well. Remember that it is always recommended to consume organically produced vegetables and fruits. Thus, we avoid making the liver even more sick and we will make better use of the vitamins in food.
  • After washing and cutting the carrots and beets into pieces, place them in a blender.
  • Once you get the juice of these very therapeutic vegetables, just mix it with a glass of water. It can be consumed at any time of the day, for breakfast or dinner.

We invite you to try any of these juices. Choose the one that you believe will do you good and that pleases you the most. In short, with a varied and balanced diet and an active life, you will take good care of the health of your liver and pancreas.

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