5 Home Remedies For Intestinal Parasites

The main symptom of intestinal parasites is anal itching, and all family members are exposed to contagion. We present some remedies so that you can eliminate them
5 Home Remedies for Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites lodge in the lower part of the large intestine. Overall, children are the most affected. To avoid contagion, it is necessary to look for a good medicine and increase hygiene measures.

But how do they reproduce? In this case, females  work at night, laying tiny eggs around the anus.

Eggs  can survive up to 2 weeks outside the body.

That is, the same person can become infected because they remain in different parts of the body and the infection spreads again when you put your hands in your mouth.

What are the symptoms?

Doctor examining the presence of intestinal parasites in a child

Unfortunately, a large number of infections are asymptomatic. In particular,  the affected person has itching around the anus that usually gets worse overnight. Note these symptoms:

  • no appetite
  • Abdominal distension
  • Headache, nausea and dizziness
  • Weakness
  • yellowish face
  • Grinding teeth, especially when sleeping
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • Infections in intimate areas

What measures to take?

Once the doctor indicates the appropriate treatment, the intestinal parasites will clear in approximately 15 days. However, even if there are no worms, the eggs remain.

Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the treatment two weeks later, as the possibility of a new infection is very high. So keep the following in mind:

  • Keep your nails trimmed and maintain excellent hand hygiene.
  • Wash the affected person’s clothing in hot water and clean the house with a disinfectant.
  • It is essential to take a daily bath, especially in the anus area.
  • Avoid putting your hands over your mouth.
  • If there is an infected person in the family, it is important that everyone is treated to prevent reinfection.

In addition to the measures mentioned, you can try some natural remedies that will help you fight parasites.

1. Garlic, pumpkin seeds and mint

Garlic, pumpkin seeds and mint against intestinal parasites


  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (10 g)
  • 3 mint leaves


  • First, chop the garlic and place them in a mortar.
  • Then peel the pumpkin seeds and place them in the mortar.
  • Analogously add the mint.
  • Finally, crush until it forms a homogeneous mixture.

Take 1 tablespoon of this preparation a day, for at least a week. If you think it tastes too strong, you can soften it with water.

I did not know? 7 reasons to consume more pumpkin

2. Mint with mineral water

Mint also  acts as a natural antiseptic that helps to sterilize the body and reduce intestinal parasites.


  • Mint leaves (10 g)
  • Mineral water (150 ml)


  • First, boil the mineral water and add the mint leaves.
  • Then keep the heat low for 5 minutes until it concentrates.
  • Remove and let stand 10 minutes until at room temperature.
  • Afterwards, strain the infusion.

3.   Thyme

Thyme acts on intestinal parasites

Thyme  is one of the plants that contains thymol, . In addition, flatulence  and digestive problems can be reduced  .


  • ½ liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of thyme leaves (20 g)


  • First, bring the water to a boil.
  • Then add the thyme leaves.
  • Leave on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Wait until it gets warm.
  • Finally, strain and drink on an empty stomach.

4. Carrot juice with lemon

The  carrots  are excellent allies of digestion, since they are rich in fiber. But in addition to that,  its antioxidant properties also help to purify the body.

Lemon, on the other hand, provides cleansing benefits that help eliminate foreign substances in the body.


  • Carrots (300 g)
  • The juice of a lemon (5 ml)


  • First, wash and disinfect the ingredients.
  • Then get the carrot juice.
  • Add lemon juice.

5.  Brussels sprout juice

Brussels sprout juice

It’s time for you to look at Brussels sprouts with new eyes. These have a cleansing effect, able to eliminate liquids and toxins. Therefore, it helps to keep the digestive system balanced.


  • Brussels sprouts (100 g)
  • Carrot (100 g)
  • Lettuce leaves (100 g)


  • First, wash the vegetables and mix in a blender.
  • Wait a few minutes until smooth.

Remember that we are all exposed to intestinal parasites, however, the important thing is to prevent or, if it cannot be avoided, seek treatment quickly. These treatments will help you to make the worms not a problem.

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