5 Foods That Reduce Sweet Cravings

The mixture of cinnamon and honey, in addition to helping us alleviate anxiety, is a wonderful beauty remedy, as it reduces the signs of age.
5 Foods That Reduce Candy Cravings

One of the most common causes of overweight is the impulsive consumption of sweets. This leads us to uncontrollably eat all kinds of unhealthy foods such as sugars, flours and poor quality fats.

In this article we will present some foods that have the property of minimizing this impulsive need for sweets, which may be related to imbalances in blood glucose levels.

healthy sweets

The secret of these foods that we will highlight below is that they are already naturally sweet.

They have healthy sugar content and other types of nutrients  that satisfy the need to eat something sweet.

Glucose levels fluctuate continually, causing spikes in sugar cravings that we can fight with these foods.


This amazing spice, which is used in the natural treatment of type 2 diabetes, lowers blood sugar levels and delays stomach emptying.

Decreases sugar peaks, little by little, after eating. These peaks are the ones that trigger the desire to eat something sweet after lunch or dinner.

How to consume it?

This spice can be used in several ways. Try using Ceylon cinnamon, which is the most nutritious, and we can consume it:

  • In all kinds of sweets and desserts: cookies, parsnips, ice cream, etc.
  • In infusions, after eating.
  • Combined with honey, on an empty stomach.
Cinnamon to reduce sweet cravings


Pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates, but its high fiber content causes it to be absorbed slowly, causing  blood sugar levels to stay balanced and constant.

It is important to note that people who abuse sugar tend to suffer from some intestinal parasites, even if they don’t know it. These parasites contribute to the craving for sweets as they feed on it.

Therefore, we recommend consuming the pumpkin seeds as well. They work as an effective remedy  to fight and eliminate these parasites.

How to consume it?

Although we usually consume it cooked, we can also eat it raw or grated in salads. Now, if we cook it, the pumpkin can make a delicious cream.

Thanks to its sweetness, we can cut thin slices of pumpkin, as if it were a Carpaccio , and roast them with a little cinnamon. This recipe is very tasty as a dessert.

Pumpkin to reduce sweet cravings


Carrots also contain complex carbohydrates that need to be digested to turn into sugar. Like pumpkin, these hydrates are gradually absorbed and do not produce sugar spikes.

How to consume it?

We recommend consuming it, preferably, raw. The most effective way, if you have a blender, is to combine it, for example, with apples.

We can also grate it and add it to all kinds of dishes such as garnish, salads, soups or even sandwiches.


Sweet potato

There are many types of sweet potatoes and they all have a mild sweet taste in common. Potatoes are rich in natural sugars, but don’t worry as this is offset by the fiber content. The type of fiber in sweet potato is pectin, which slows down the absorption of sugars.

How to consume it?

Sweet potatoes are very satisfying, but we do not recommend eating them in the afternoon or evening. The best times are in the morning or at lunch, and we can bake it in the oven or boil it, just like a normal potato.


This plant originally from Paraguay became popularly known as a natural sweetener. Among its multiple benefits, the property of regulating blood glucose levels, such as cinnamon, stands out.

Besides, it doesn’t contain calories, so it ‘s ideal for fighting sweets cravings. With the incredible sweetness of this plant you will no longer have the need to eat other things.

How to consume it?

Stevia allows us to naturally sweeten infusions, lemonades and all kinds of beverages.

Were the tips helpful to you? So, continue on our page with more articles for your well-being.

Images courtesy of alpha, ccharmon and sweetbeetandgreenbean.

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