4 Vitamins To Eliminate Toxins

Even though our internal organs go through a cleansing process, they are not always able to keep themselves free of toxins. These vitamins can offer extra help.
4 vitamins to eliminate toxins

Your body is constantly changing and struggling to detoxify and maintain good health. What do you do to help him? Do you eat healthily or is that something you don’t really care about? These vitamins to eliminate toxins can be your allies!

Some herbs can be important in maintaining the health you seek. The detoxifying herbs we’ll mention provide nutrients while cleansing your system.

Include these vitamins in your routine to constantly eliminate toxins. You will love the results!

Juices and Vitamins to Remove Toxins Naturally

Green vitamin beneficial for health

1. Basil vitamin to eliminate kidney toxins

Basil is of great help in eliminating toxins accumulated in the kidneys. These small organs play a key role in blood cleansing and are easily damaged by processed foods.

By eating basil you ensure that your kidneys are functioning correctly for a long time. If you already have problems, such as infections or kidney stones, don’t wait any longer.

Also try to stop consuming processed foods and salt for a while.


  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • ½ peeled and diced mango
  • ½ cup of basil leaves
  • ½ banana
  • 2 ice cubes


  • Put all ingredients in a blender and process.
  • Be sure to consume immediately so the nutrients don’t oxidize.

Because of the fruits it contains, we recommend consuming it before exercising or in the morning. Its high amount of calories makes it an excellent energy drink.

2. Juice with cilantro against heavy metals

green juice with cilantro

Coriander is a herb often used in the kitchen for its incredible flavor. Here you will discover that there are good contributions to your health that you shouldn’t pass up.

The reason why cilantro is excellent for eliminating toxins is that it  favors the removal of heavy metals naturally. Consuming these metals is much more common than you think, through water and some foods.

Even if you don’t like the news, you should know that it is practically impossible not to ingest a small dose of these metals occasionally. Therefore, including foods that eliminate them is the best way to prevent future problems.

Due to the taste of cilantro, the best way to combine it is with citrus fruits.  Try this option and we are sure you will love it!


  • 1 cup of fresh spinach
  • ½ cup of fresh and washed cilantro
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lemon (the juice)
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger


  • Beat all ingredients and drink immediately.

This smoothie is great if you want something that’s easy to prepare but has a pleasant taste. If you don’t like its flavor, add the juice of a grapefruit to increase the citrus flavor.

3. Mint vitamin to improve gut health

green vitamin with mint

Eliminating toxins will not only improve the health of your kidneys, your intestines will also benefit. When toxins affect the colon, they cause digestion problems.

Mint leaves perform two functions:

  • Eliminate toxins that accumulate in the colon.
  • Improve the digestive process to prevent toxins from continuing to build up.

As if that were not enough, your skin will also be cleansed of toxins thanks to mint. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find facial cleansers that contain it as a base. This time we propose to take advantage of it from the inside out.


  • 6 disinfected and frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup natural greek yogurt
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 10 washed mint leaves


  • Place all ingredients in a food processor.
  • Process until they are all well integrated and with a creamy consistency.
  • Consume on the spot.

This vitamin is deliciously creamy, so it will become one of your favorites if you like sweet things. You can consume this vitamin between breakfast and lunch, when you feel low on energy.

4. Parsley vitamin to completely detoxify

Parsley green juice

Is your diet very bad and you have kidney and liver problems? In that case, you should know that parsley cleans both organs at the same time. In addition to following your doctor’s instructions regarding diet and lifestyle, it is recommended to consume natural foods.

This vitamin is very fresh, so we recommend it for days of intense heat.


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of diced pineapple
  • ½ cucumber cut into pieces
  • ½ frozen banana
  • 1 cup of parsley
  • 1 ice cube


  • Beat all ingredients and consume immediately.

With these vitamins to eliminate toxins we are sure that you can stay healthy for a long time. Always remember to use fresh, good quality ingredients and exercise so that fruit calories are not an issue.

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