4 Tips To Remove Tartar From Teeth

The appearance of tartar on the teeth has an unpleasant appearance. This yellowish layer is uncomfortable, in addition to increasing the risk of cavities. Find out what you can do to combat this problem.
4 tips to remove tartar from teeth

Tartar, also called dental calculus, is the calcification or hardening of plaque on teeth. Its appearance is very unpleasant. It is a yellowish, whitish or slightly brownish mass that is deposited on the tooth enamel, at the junction with the gums. Today, we’ll look at how to remove tartar from teeth.

In addition to being highly unpleasant and uncomfortable, tartar can also cause several dental health problems. One of the best known and most feared is periodontitis, which causes bleeding, bad breath, tooth decay and can end with tooth loss.

Tips for removing tartar from teeth

The presence of tartar on teeth can be due to several reasons. Most of the time, it is caused by poor oral hygiene, but it can also be due to the consumption of certain foods and medications or the presence of certain diseases such as diabetes.

Next, we’ll look at four recommendations for removing tartar from teeth.

brushing teeth

Tips for removing tartar from teeth
Brushing your teeth every day will prevent plaque buildup that causes tartar and other oral problems.

One of the best ways to fight tartar is to remove plaque daily to keep it from hardening. In fact, when plaque calcifies, it turns to tartar and is much more difficult to remove. To prevent this from happening, it is best to maintain good oral hygiene habits, starting with proper brushing.

Brushing is the basic care we must take to ensure our oral health and, in particular, to remove tartar from teeth. The first thing we need to do is always brush our teeth after every meal. This cleaning must be regular and thorough.

It is important to use a proper toothbrush and toothpaste. Experts recommend a soft-bristle toothbrush, as hard-bristle toothbrushes can erode tooth enamel. As for the toothpaste, it must contain fluorine, as this strengthens the teeth and prevents cavities.


Flossing is an important element in good oral hygiene habits. However, many people either don’t know this or simply don’t use it. Flossing helps remove bacteria and food debris that remain between your teeth. Thus, it helps to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque and, therefore, of tartar.

For flossing to be effective, it must be used at least once a day before bed. Ideally, always use it before brushing your teeth. Flossing should be gently and gently passed between the teeth to avoid irritating or hurting the gums.

It is important to note that  the section of floss we wear must always be clean;  otherwise, bacteria would move from one area to another in the mouth.

professional cleaning

Professional cleaning at the dentist
Periodic cleaning performed by a professional will help remove the toughest bacterial plaques.

In addition to these basic care that we must have at home, it is essential to have a professional cleaning once or twice a year. Even if we are very disciplined and careful in daily cleaning, it will still be necessary to perform professional cleaning with a specialist  to remove the most stubborn and hard-to-reach dental plaque.

On the other hand, if our hygiene is bad and tartar is already present on our teeth, only a deep cleaning performed by the dentist in the office will be able to eliminate it. At home, we won’t be able to do anything else to fight it.

It is likely that several visits to the dentist will be necessary to remove tartar from teeth if it is too abundant or has been established for a long time.

In that case, the specialist is likely to use a technique called tartarectomy. For this, a scraping of the teeth will be performed. This technique seeks to eliminate visible tartar on teeth and that deposited inside the gums.

Homemade alternatives to remove tartar from teeth

There are some homemade solutions that are traditionally used to remove tartar from teeth. These remedies can be used as a complement, but never as a substitute for the above mentioned care.

The purpose of these methods is to scrape your teeth to remove tartar. Among the best known are baking soda, sesame seeds and orange or lemon peel.

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