4 Pilates Exercises For Beginners

Pilates is characterized by a combination of low-impact exercises and breathing techniques. We’ll show you some simple moves to start practicing it at home. Check out!
4 pilates exercises for beginners

Pilates exercises for beginners focus on balance, posture, strength and flexibility. While this method is very complete for people looking to stay in shape, it is also used as rehabilitative therapy.

Although the exercises are performed on devices designed for this type of physical training, they can also be performed on a mat. Want to know more about this practice? Here are the most suitable pilates exercises for beginners.

What are the benefits of pilates?

The method known as pilates is a set of low impact exercises. That’s why it’s so popular for improving postural problems and alleviating muscle pain. Also, as we mentioned, it is an ideal practice to maintain physical and mental health.

Although there is not enough scientific evidence about its effects, a study published in the Official Journal of the American Aging Association found that practicing Pilates twice a week for three months helps to increase the strength of the body, including upper, lower and abdominal muscles. postmenopausal women.

Pilates exercises for beginners

To practice pilates exercises for beginners, you don’t need great skills or perfect physical conditioning. So this is a discipline suitable for people of all ages. If you want to get started, based on what we’ve detailed so far, this might be the right exercise for you.

Also, you can do these exercises with ease in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is have disposition, concentration and a mat.

Remember that this type of physical activity is intended to relax the body and mind, so it’s best to do it in a quiet, well-ventilated place. Now, let’s work!

1. Roll up or rolling

This is one of the most common exercises in the Pilates warm-up phase. It works the abdominal area, improves back flexibility and develops spinal stability, mobility and strength.

What you should do:

  • Lie on your back on the floor with your legs and arms extended. Your arms should pass over your head and be in line with your shoulders. The legs should be together and exert a light force on each other.
  • Breathing in, raise your arms to the ceiling without letting your ribs touch the mat.
  • As you exhale, try to come up slowly, arms outstretched, as if you were trying to reach your feet. The idea here is to do the movement slowly and feel each vertebra leave the mat.
  • When forming a ‘C’ with the body, the movement must be performed in reverse.
  • Inhale and, as you exhale, slowly lower until you return to the starting position.
  • Do 3-5 reps.
Pilates for beginners
The roll up exercise is one of the most basic exercises for beginners to pilates.

2.  Rolling back or rolling back

One of the most fun pilates exercises for beginners is rolling back . It allows your body to flow, swinging on the mat to tighten your belly muscles and give your vertebrae a pleasurable massage. For this, it is very important to maintain concentration.

What you should do:

  • Sit with your back straight on the front of the mat.
  • With your knees bent toward your chest, hold your feet in the air.
  • Then hold your ankles outside and open your elbows a little.
  • Bring your chin to your chest.
  • In this position, as you inhale, begin rocking backwards until your back touches the floor. This move must be done without losing the starting position.
  • As you exhale, go up again by pushing into the abdomen.
  • This technique must be performed for 3 minutes straight.
Pilates for beginners
The rolling back stretches the spine, improving the elasticity of the back.


If you want to get started in this practice, the spine stretch is one of the simplest movements in Pilates. In addition, it helps to improve spinal articulation, stimulates  trunk balance and benefits the flexibility of the muscles in the back of the leg.

What you should do:

  • Sit on the mat with your legs straight and your back straight.
  • Inhale and stretch your spine as if you want to touch the ceiling.
  • Then stretch your arms forward at shoulder height.
  • Exhale and begin to stretch your arms towards your feet forming a ‘C’ with your torso.
  • Breathe in again to go a little further.
  • Finally, exhale and slowly return to the starting position.
woman doing stretching
The spine stretch exercise is very good for the spine.

4. Push-ups

This is one of the most common ways to work the torso. We’re talking about the normal push-ups we all know about, but remember that pilates isn’t just about strength; It is very important to be fully aware of breathing and balance.

What you should do:

  • To start, lie face down on the rug.
  • Then stand on four points, with your knees resting on the floor, and move your arms forward a little.
  • Remember that your back should be straight, in line with your head and your arms spread shoulder-width apart.
  • Get down and get up slowly.
  • Repeat the process 10 times. If you want to increase endurance, do these exercises with your legs straight.
exercise at home
Pilates pushups are similar to traditional ones, but involve a greater focus on balance.

Some tips related to pilates exercises for beginners

As we mentioned, pilates is one of the best disciplines if you want to work your body physically and mentally. However, as with all exercise routines, there are some recommendations to consider before starting:

  • Listen to your body: If you decide to do it yourself or even with the support of a professional, it is important to be fully aware of the movements to understand what alignment problems your body has. This will help you better work your postures to relieve and prevent muscle pain.
  • Breathe in and out deeply:  Breathing correctly will not only help you go further in the exercise, it will also relax your body and avoid unnecessary stress.
  • Know how far to go: remember that all bodies are different. So, avoid comparing yourself to others and don’t push yourself too hard.

Now that you know some basic exercises to get started in this discipline, don’t hesitate to pick up your mat and see the benefits for yourself. Keep in mind the tips we’ve shared above, and don’t forget to work your postures well to avoid injury.

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