4 Important Exercises For Seniors

Elderly people can perform certain exercises and activities such as yoga and tai chi as they are proper and healthy practices that help them achieve better balance and gain more flexibility.
4 important exercises for seniors

Reaching old age does not mean that you should move to a life of absolute rest and give up physical activity. On the contrary, as long as it is within the possibilities, people can practice physical activity, but always in moderation.

There are several low-impact exercises that you can choose from, such as yoga, tai chi, swimming, and others, which are good options. Practicing them regularly is good for the mind and body.

Next, we’ll share some exercises for seniors. Don’t miss it!

Important Exercises for Seniors

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends physical exercise for people over 65 years of age. As stated in its technical sheet, physical activity in this age group should consist of recreational or leisure activities, especially modalities that can be practiced in groups. In addition, the activities should help to effectively improve heart, respiratory, and muscle functions.

WHO also recommends:

  • Do between 30 and 40 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity.
  • In cases of elderly people with mobility problems, it is recommended to practice moderate physical exercise 3 times a week. This is to improve balance, muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Likewise, if physical activity cannot be performed, the WHO proposes that time be reserved for leisure. For this, board games are proposed, such as playing cards or ludo.

A study carried out with elderly people at the University of São Paulo School of Nursing showed that physical activity optimizes the lives of the elderly, not only because of their physical conditions, but mainly because it makes them return or maintain their social activities.

These are the pillars of emotional well-being for those who are at this stage. The better the treatment of elderly people with people of the same age, the better will be their appreciation of quality of life and physical, emotional and spiritual balance.

In this sense, there are a series of specific activities that limit the risk of injuries and that are indicated for this age group.

1. Aerobic exercises

Swimming is a suitable exercise in old age

Aerobic exercise has a low impact and is recommended for seniors.

  • Water aerobics.
  • Cycling (static or not).
  • Walk or jog (on a machine at the gym or outdoors).
  • Aerobic gymnastics (for seniors).

Also, many of these exercises can be done in groups, which will make them more fun and beneficial to your mental health.

2. Yoga or Tai chi

Yoga and Tai chi are suitable exercises for seniors and seniors

Yoga or Tai Chi are suitable activities for seniors, as they can be adapted to their needs and usually don’t involve a lot of physical effort.


Tai chi, on the other hand, is a martial art that also includes some meditation. This type of practice is very important because it increases strength and agility. Also, it is positive to work the balance.

3. Swimming

We’ve already talked about hydrogymnastics, but there is an activity that has an even smaller impact: swimming.

Swimming is a type of sport that sets every muscle in the body in motion. Thus, synchronization is worked on and the body is toned. Also, the risk of getting injured is very low, which makes it a highly recommended activity.

Swimming is relaxing and ideal for combating sadness and depression. Contact with water and body movements promote greater physical and mental well-being.

4. The dance

Dancing is a suitable exercise in old age

Dancing is an activity that greatly benefits the elderly, as it brings joy and encouragement, as well as entertainment.

This allows them to lightly work the body as well as the mind. It’s a fun and spontaneous practice that is worth doing to gain balance and a smile.

A study by a group of experts at the University Academy of Christian Humanism says that for seniors, starting to dance means feeling self-respect, as it is linked to the intention to feel good and try something new. In addition, dancing helps them maintain good social relationships and facilitates acceptance and freedom of expression through the body.

Benefits of exercise in old age

Three organizations came together to conduct this study published in 2017. Here, aging is presented as a complex process that is best understood when viewed from a perspective that spans the entire course of life.

The main benefits of exercise in old age would be as follows:

  • Greater longevity.
  • Better musculoskeletal health.
  • Lower risk of cognitive impairment.
  • Lower risk of heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, etc.
  • Significant improvement in physical condition and general mental health.

In short, the benefits of physical exercise will be mostly positive in the medium and long term. Of course, it will depend on some other factors, such as those related to nutrition, attitude and other specific aspects, such as having diabetes, hypertension, etc.

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