3 Quick And Natural Deflames Solutions

How easy it is to suffer from inflammation! It can be acute, triggered by a bruise, an infection, or a sloppy movement, or chronic, with critical moments when the skin in the area reddens and causes us more pain.

In this article, we are going to propose natural, simple and homemade remedies to de-inflame some parts of the body.

What is an inflammation?


An inflammation is our body’s reaction to a pathogen or irritant, or due to a bruise. I mean, inflammation is a defense mechanism.

Its characteristics can be redness of the area, increased volume, pain, increased temperature and other related disorders.

In some medicinal therapies, inflammation is related to the fire element by the characteristics just mentioned. But when inflammation is constant, there may be some differences, such as the cooler area and no volume.

In this article we focus on inflammations that have the characteristics of the element fire, heat, redness, volume and pain, and on treatments.

When to apply these treatments to deinflame

  • Right after a bruise without an open wound.
  • In an area where we suffer chronic pain, especially in the back or joints.
  • In the neck, as a result of an inflammation or infection in the throat.
  • About the liver area (right side ribs) when it feels congested or sore. In this case, we shouldn’t use the ice pack, but either of the other two.
  • In the belly, if it is swollen or we suffer from a specific disorder.

Covered ice to deflame

As we said, heat is one of the main characteristics of any inflammation, so let’s relieve it with one of the simplest ancient home remedies we know: ice.

It is important to highlight that we should not apply the ice directly to the skin, but we can choose one of the following options:

  • A package of frozen peas or similar.
  • An ice cube or several cubes, but covered with a cloth.
  • A special gel bag marketed for this purpose.

Let’s apply covered ice for at least 20 minutes.

Inflammations that are chronic do not usually have a high temperature, but can feel cooler than the rest of the skin on the body. In these cases, the application of heat (water, electric, etc.) is much more recommended, which even turns out to be relaxing and pleasurable.

Clay and turmeric to deflame

Clay is also an ancient deflammation remedy, as clay has traditionally been used because it is easily accessible to people (and free of charge).

Nowadays it is much safer to use clean powdered clay, which you can find in any herbalist or health food store.

Mix the clay with a little water; enough to get a dough that is easy to apply but doesn’t drip.

Whenever we use clay, it is essential to avoid plastic and metal utensils and containers, as they cause it to lose some of its properties. Instead, we’ll use glass, wood or ceramics.

We will apply the clay and let it act until it dries.

To further enhance the de-inflammatory effects of this poultice, we recommend adding a little turmeric powder to the clay, as this spice is a potent anti-inflammatory and also relieves pain.

kale compress

We continue with the home remedies and economical with this solution based on cabbage. Kale has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the internal inflammation in our body when we consume it. However, we can also apply it to the skin to achieve the same benefits.

We will need two or three outer leaves of a green cabbage.

Method of preparation

  1. Put a pan of water to heat.
  2. When the water boils, throw the leaves three times at once, so that they are lightly scalded without letting it cook, then crush the leaves with the help of a mortar.
  3. Apply the cabbage to the inflammation and cover it with a tissue and, on top, with kitchen film.
  4. Leave this kale compress to act for a minimum of 30 minutes to de-ignite the area.

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