3 Natural Tips To Get Rid Of Sinusitis

Thanks to their cleansing properties, both garlic and cayenne pepper and ginger can be very helpful in minimizing the symptoms of sinusitis.
3 Natural Tips to Get Rid of Sinusitis

Mucus? Congestion? Headache? When the soft tissue lining the bony cavities of the head (sinus) becomes inflamed and infected, we can say that we suffer from sinusitis.

If, in addition, it is a usual situation that lasts longer than 12 weeks, it is possible that it is chronic. On the contrary, if sinusitis appears after a cold or allergy, we say it is acute.

So, in this article, we want to share three natural tips for  ending acute sinusitis and significantly alleviating or improving chronic sinusitis.

Causes of sinusitis


the sinusitis

Knowing the cause of sinusitis can be of great help in treating it correctly:

  • Harmful addictions such as tobacco in active smokers, but also in those who are passive.
  • Infections caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria.
  • Allergies 
  • Nasal Polyp.
  • Chronic illnesses such as diabetes or cystic fibrosis.
  • tumors

Natural Remedies to Eliminate Sinusitis

1. Mint and eucalyptus steams


the sinusitis

Vapors are an ancient natural home therapy that consists of inhaling the vapors of certain medicinal plants in order to decongest the airways and soothe and expel accumulated mucus.

To combat sinusitis, we have selected two plants that, due to their medicinal properties, are very suitable for improving the functioning of the respiratory system : mint and white eucalyptus.

What do we need?

  • 1 medium pot with lid
  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 tablespoons of mint and white eucalyptus (50 g)
  • A towel

How to make?

  • First, we put the medicinal plants on the fire in the water. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Next, we must position ourselves on top of the pan, being very careful not to get too close and get burned. Then we put a towel over our head to improve our inhalations.
  • We remain in this position for 10 minutes, breathing deeply through our nose.
  • We then wash our face with cold water to soothe the redness of the skin.
  • We can make these steams two or three times a week. When we feel an improvement in symptoms, we will space the maintenance of vaporizations, once every one or two weeks.

2. Irrigations with the nasal sanitizer


the sinusitis

The Tibetan nasal irrigator is a plastic or ceramic utensil similar to a jar that allows the introduction of a liquid through one of the nostrils that comes out naturally and without pressure from the other.

In this way, we are able to clean the  airway much more gently  than with syringes that are also used for this purpose.

When doing this therapy, we should always keep our mouths open and alternate both nostrils. This advice is essential to carry it out correctly.

We can buy ready-made liquids for this purpose or develop our own serum with  one part seawater and two parts natural water.

Or, the whey can also be prepared with a liter of water and three teaspoons of dissolved sea salt, to reach a pH similar to that of our body.

You can find the nasal irrigator at health and herbal stores.

3. Garlic, cayenne and ginger every day

There are three medicinal foods with cleansing properties that are very beneficial in the natural treatment of sinusitis: garlic, cayenne pepper and ginger.


For garlic to be therapeutic, we must consume it in its raw state, that is, raw. We can add it to meals, crushed or crushed, for example, in sauces, stews, vinaigrette, rice, etc.

In addition, we can also do the Tibetan garlic cure or, if we can’t digest it, we can buy it in capsules.

cayenne pepper

This spice is very spicy and, without a doubt, very beneficial for circulation, metabolism, digestion, etc.

In the case of sinusitis, moments after consuming it, we begin to notice that the nasal mucus is diluted and the body urges us to expel it. 

We should therefore start with small quantities, like a pinch, adding to recipes like stews, soups, etc.


This exotic root has similar effects to cayenne pepper and we can use it both as a seasoning (in all kinds of dishes, including meat and fish), or grated and added to sauces, juices, smoothies, biscuits or tea.

In addition, for added convenience, we can also consume powdered ginger.

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