15 Toys To Encourage Children’s Learning

The toy is, for the child, a way of experiencing reality, a form of expression and learning. There are toys that, according to each age, considerably stimulate their potential. know what they are
15 toys to encourage children's learning

Toys are children’s way of life. Playing games, they have fun, they relate to their peers, explore the world, follow rules, learn and even get angry. Toys themselves bring out the enormous potential that children have, but this is even more so if they are toys to stimulate children’s learning.

15 toys to encourage children’s learning

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Toys for children from 6 months to 1 year

15 toys to encourage children's learning
  • Stackable toys. Cubes that stack on top of each other are the perfect example of stackable toys. They work on the little one’s fine motor skills, as well as eye-hand coordination.
  • Snap toys. They are usually of geometric shapes or other figures. In addition to working the coordination between the eye and the hand, they stimulate observation and memory.
  • Toys with movement. Both animals and toys that crawl or move by the baby’s action capture his attention and encourage his participation to achieve movement.
  • Puppet. They stimulate vision, hearing and touch in a fun way. They also encourage language development and communication between parents and baby.

Toys for children from 1 to 3 years old

  • Balls or balloons. They can have different textures, colors and sizes. They work on the child’s motor skills. They also promote follow-up instructions and teach sharing with others.
  • Dressing and undressing dolls. This helps to work on the child’s fine motor skills and helps to cultivate patience.
  • Plastic animals. With these toys, children learn to identify different types of animals and imitate the sounds they make. Likewise, they are useful for instilling values.
  • Musical toys. The imitations of drums, maracas, tambourines, xylophones, among others, greatly stimulate the little ones not only for the sound they emit, but for the striking colors that attract attention. With these toys, they discover sounds and perform their own rhythms.

Toys for children from 3 to 6 years old

Toys for children from 3 to 6 years old
  • Memory games or cards for logical associations. They encourage observation, memory and logical deductions.
  • Math toys. Abacuses, clocks, geometric figure dominoes or addition and subtraction lotuses encourage learning the basics of mathematics.
  • Magnetic or writing boards. They favor the alphabet approach and word construction.
  • Situation games . A doctor’s instruments, the kitchen, the tools, the food store; all of this brings the child closer to reality. Likewise, they facilitate relationships with other children and promote self-esteem.

toys for everyone

  • Building Games. From an early age, they love to build (and destroy) towers. This encourages the awakening of creativity and language development to tell what happened to the tower that collapsed (again and again).
  • Riddles or puzzles. These games always interest children. When they are more babies, we need to help them put the pieces together; until one day they do it alone. These toys grow with children. At the beginning, the pieces must be limited. Then you can increase with age.
  • Plasticine or kinetic sand. These toys captivate everyone. They work with the child’s motor skills, in addition to stimulating creativity. Be careful with babies so they don’t put them in their mouths.

Some recommendations to encourage children’s learning

Some recommendations

Toys to encourage learning have to be fun.  The main objective is for children to play; learning is part of the process, but not the ultimate goal. Let the children play with what they like best, without prejudice of any kind.

Likewise, when they play with other children, there is extra social learning. They have to learn to negotiate and agree: what are they going to play, how are they going to play, what are they going to play with. They might fight and tantrums, but you need to let them work out their differences. Remember to intervene only when you feel it is necessary.

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