10 Ways To Discover Your Personality According To The Shape Of Your Lips

Although it may differ in some characteristics, the truth is that the shape of your lips can give clues to your way of relating to others.

The shape of your lips can say a lot more about you than you think. More specifically, about your personality.

If you don’t quite know what’s behind it, pay attention because you’re sure to find a lot of coincidences.

Notice if you see yourself reflected in these statements.

1. Large and thick lips

The personality and shape of the lips

People with thick, large lips have the gift of knowing how to take care of others.

If you have that kind of lips, maybe since you were a kid you liked to feed stray kittens, help out at a shelter, or wanted to take every animal you could find home.

  • They are characterized by having a strong maternal instinct as well as a desire to protect and care for those around them.
  • In a stressful situation, they think of others first. They can be responsible and generous mothers and fathers.

2. Larger upper lip

People who have an upper lip longer than the lower lip are characterized by being very emotional, charismatic and cheerful.

They may also have healthy self-esteem as well as personal magnetism. They like to be the center of attention.

3. Balanced and common-sized lips

If your lip shape is common, then you are a balanced person with a healthy outlook on life.  Therefore, your way of facing problems and solving them is very wise and prudent, regardless of the degree of difficulty.

  • You have the ability to listen to others. Accepts criticism and respects all opinions.
  • He also likes to laugh and joke, he can be a very positive person.

4. Shape of thin lips

People with thin lips can be lonely. They are characterized by being self-sufficient and can solve anything on their own, although they also enjoy being with their friends.

  • They can get along with everyone and they care about others’ actions more than their words.

5. Upper lip with a very marked V

What does the shape of the lips say about you

This type of lip is typical of creative people, who can be excellent artists and musicians. They are characterized by having a good visual memory.

They are very sociable and look for ways to express what they feel in every way possible, and they almost always get very satisfying results.

6. Upper lip with a smooth curve

If you have an upper lip with a smooth curve, you are characterized as a compassionate, sensitive, and kind person.

He takes things very seriously and, whenever he can, helps others in any way they may need.

7. Flat upper lip

If you have a flat upper lip, then you are very responsible. He is a very self-assured person. Your loved ones know they can count on you in difficult times.

8. Shape of small, full lips

If you have full lips but a small mouth, you are probably a vain person with a lot of charm.

Your priority is your own convenience. Although they may seem a bit selfish, deep down they are compassionate, loyal friends and always help their own in a time of need.

They don’t put their own interests above others, even though they don’t want to lose out in certain situations either, so they always reflect on the pros and cons before getting into something.

9. Very thin upper lip

Your personality according to the shape of the lips

If your upper lip is much thinner than your lower lip, congratulations as it indicates that you have excellent qualities as a leader.

You are a convincing person and you know how to insist if you think something is like that or that you deserve it. It has great vital energy, which can overflow.

In everything you propose to do, you will succeed.

However, the problem arises in your love relationships, a field in which, due to your demands, you are not so lucky.

10. Lower lip longer than upper

You are a restless person and you don’t like to submit to pre-set schedules.

People with this lip shape know how to have fun and always need to keep in mind something that will feed their energy, as well as constantly meeting new people.

They can be curious people, sociable and open to everything that is new and that comes their way.

He is the person who always takes others to new heights, a very interesting kind of friend that everyone wants to have.

So, want to know more about your personality? So, continue on our page with more information for you.

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