10 Eating Tricks To Reduce Knee Pain

If you often suffer from knee pain, it’s critical to evaluate your diet, as there are some foods that can make the condition worse, as well as others that can help make it better.
10 Eating Tricks to Reduce Knee Pain

The knee is a joint comprising bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fluids.

The tendons and muscles allow movement and the ability to bend to walk, jump, etc. When one of these structures becomes inflamed, ruptured or otherwise injured, knee pain develops.

Some considerations about knee pain

These inconveniences can cause limitations in daily activities, such as exercising, lifting weights and even walking.

Knee problems can occur at any age. This is because these discomforts are not directly related to age, or bone or muscle weakness.

The important thing is to seek medical help when the discomfort starts so that it can be studied in depth and treated in time. This way, it will be possible to avoid major complications that could lead to surgery.

In addition to seeing your doctor, you can enjoy the benefits of certain foods to reduce knee pain in a natural way.

1. Eliminate fast food from your diet as soon as possible

Knee pain

Fast food is one of the biggest enemies of your knees’ health.

These products contain an excess of fat, cholesterol and salt, which produce greater inflammation in the joints, including the knees.

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t have time to cook or eat at home, try carrying with you some healthy options like smoothies or salads.

It might be tricky in the early days, but with time and benefits, you’ll adapt.

Another good option is to look for an establishment where they prepare balanced food. Anywhere you can find restaurants with a good price and good food.

2. Eat more eggs

Eggs contain nutrients needed to protect joints and reduce knee pain.

The options for adding them to our diet are multiple, so they are perfect for experimenting in the kitchen.

3. Include fish regularly in your diet

By eating fish three times a week, you will begin to notice its anti-inflammatory benefits.

In a few weeks, you will feel how the pain in your knee decreases considerably, especially when your joints are inflamed.

There is a wide variety of fish, so it won’t be difficult to find one that is within reach of your pocket and that pleases your taste buds.

4. Take whey

The suggestion is to take it once a day to reduce knee pain. Its beneficial action derives from the nutrients it offers us, especially calcium.

It not only lessens discomfort, it also helps to keep bones healthy and delay other problems.

5. Add turmeric to your food

This is a spice rich in antioxidants and with anti-inflammatory properties  widely known in the East and now the West. Its consumption is increasingly recommended. See some options:

  • In salads;
  • Mixed with milk;
  • As a vegetable seasoning;
  • In juices.

6. Banana

Among the multiple nutrients that this fruit contains, potassium and magnesium stand out. These minerals help improve bone health  and make knee pain gradually disappear.

7. Tofu

Knee pain

It is also known as soy cheese and can be eaten as often as you like. But  be careful not to consume raw tofu as it causes indigestion problems.

Tofu is rich in calcium, so it will help improve the health of our bones and decrease pain in our knees and other joints.

8. Beans

Beans contain a lot of proteins that are beneficial in relieving knee pain.

It is recommended to consume them several times a week as a source of protein and to regenerate ligaments and muscles in the joints.

If you are a diabetic, you need to be careful with the amount of beans, as consuming more than one cup a day can increase your glucose levels.

9. Olive oil

This oil helps reduce knee pain. It’s convenient to use on a daily basis because it  ‘s rich in healthy fats the body needs to function properly.

To enjoy all the benefits of olive oil, it is recommended to consume it raw or without heating it too much, as it can be harmful.

10. Avocado seed

Knee pain

Most of us use avocado pulp and throw the seed away. From now on, instead of throwing it away, use it to ease joint pain.


  • 1 avocado seed
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Grate the avocado seed or process it in a blender until it forms a powder.
  • Heat the honey and mix it with the powder to form a paste.
  • Make sure the mixture is at a hot temperature, but not burning, and place it on your knee to relieve the pain.

As you can see, if your knees are hurting, you don’t have to bear the problem. Try these foods and you will see how in a few days you will start to notice the reduction of discomfort.

It is also important to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. Even if the annoyances disappear, we should always look for a specialist to assess the reasons for the problem.

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